3 minute read

Sash Doors Mtllwork o . o The R-J-M Boom lnevitable"



In a series of three bulletins Major Angas describes the phenomenon of the business cycle, concluding with a sharply drawn analysis that explains why he regards a Trade Boom as Inevitable. These three penetrating articles project the patteru of the next economic cycle and delve briefly but clearly into the momentary forces which cause and cure depressions.

As previously announced Major L. L. B. Angas, noted British economic foreester, has joined the Brookmire Stafi as Economic Adviser. Write for these three special Bulletins, in addition to which a copy of the current "Brookmire Executive" will be included wherein definite business policies are recommended.

On Growing Old

Be with me beauty, for the fire is dying, My dog aird I are old, too old for roving, Man whose young passion sets the spindrift flying, Is soon too lame to march, too cold for loving.

I take the books and gather to the fire, Turning old yellow leaves; minute by minute The clock ticks to my heart; a withered wire Moves a thin ghost of music in the spinet.

I cannot sail your seas, I cannot wander, Your corn land, nor your hill land, nor your Ever again, or share the battle yonder Where the young knight the broken squadron

Only stay quiet while my mind remembers

The beauty of fire for the beauty of embers.


The colored driver had been hammering away at the balky mule, trying to get him to start, and in the midst of the beating a big cop walked up on him. The darky was scared.

The cop said: 'oThat's no way to treat a rnule?"

The driver said: "Nossuh."

The cop said: "The way to do is not to beat him. Talk to him. That's the way."

Glad to get off so easily the darky turned to the mule. "Big boy," he said, "Ah comes fum New Awleans. Whah does you come fum?"


By Wilfred Wilson Gibson.

Thought And Action

See to it that the world of action and the world of thought are no longer two divided hostile camps. Build up the imagination of the boy of decision, and the willpower of the dreamer, so that in the future men will have the nerve to lead the way they have shown, and men of action will have the vision to imagine the consequences of their decisions.-Prince Max of Baden.


He is not drunk who, from the floor, Can rise again and diink some more; But he is drunk who prostrate lies, And cannot drink or cannot rise.

If I could find a single man who'd care, Less for ,my lips than for the words they've said; A single man in all the world who'd dare, To praise my wicked eyes for what they've read; One person who paid homage to my hands For deeds accomplished, rather than their shape; fn short, a super being who'd understand Ife's not among the trees, and still an ape; If in the world one rnan has had the grace To say that only mental things elate him, I must admit I've never seen his face, But if I did, ye Gods, how I would hate him !


Telephone Operator: "There is your party. Deposit five cents, please."

Drunk: "Whazzat?"

valleys, rallies. FI Southern 33 Telephone YOrk 1168 too ti:lt*rt"ff ^"". "the Perconcl Seraice IWan"

Operator: "f have.your party ready. Deposit five cents."

Appointed Exclusive Distributors o[

Streamlite Paint in So. California

The R. J. M. Company o[ Los -\ngeles. distrillutors to dealers of Stanclarcl iSuilcling Comrnoclities, have feerl appointed exclusive distributors in Southern California for Streamlite, a new flat rvall paint, manu{acturecl b1' the A. C. Horn Company of Long Island City, New York.

In their announcement to the Southerr-r California clealers. The R. J. M. Company states "Streamlite is a product of high quality, developecl after years of research in the A. Q. florn Company's laltoratories. It is easY aucl economical to applv, it dries in thirtv minutes, the colors are permanent, will not'become brittle nor peel oft, and can be applied rvith greater ,coverage over a drlr or damp surface. It is a product u'hich will be sold exclusively through dealers, thus bearing out our policy of 100 per cent jobbers."

Adequate stocks of Streamlite paint are maintained at the company's r,varehouse in Los Angeles insuring prompt cleliveries.


C. L. Normoyle, Ingham Lumber Company, Glendale, Ore., was recently in San Francisco for a ferv clal's on a business trip.

Superintends Ship Repairs

Carl Schafer, Schafer Lumber & Shingle Co., Montesano. Wash., is spending three weeks in San Francisco in connection with repairs being made to the steamer Anna Schafer.

Carl Watts Visits Northwest

Carl Watts, salesman for F'orsyth Hardwood Cornllany, San Francisco, \\'as recently on a vacation trip to Marshfielcl and Portlancl. He made the journey by boat.

A new Springs Verano

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