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Arizona Lumbermen Visit California

Francis W. Pool, of Phoenix, Arizona, representative in Arizona o{ The Pacific Lumber Company and E. K. Wood Lumber Company, and Ted O'Malley, O'Maliey Lumber Company. Phoenix, lvere re'cent visitors to California. They attended the St. Mary's-California football game at Berkeley. October 5, and spent a ferv days at The Pacific Lumber Company's mill at S'cotia, traveling from San Francisco on the company's steamer Scotia'

Visits Canada On Vacation Trip

B. W. Byrne, secretary, Western Hardrvood l-urnber Company, Los Angeles, has returned from a two lveeks' vacation trip to the Pacific Northrvest, whi'ch included a visit to Vaucouver, 13. C. Mr. Byrne lvas accompar-ried by his wife. On the way home he callecl on a number of his lumbermeu friends in San Francisco.

Back From Summer Home

Henry Hess, president, Henry Hess Company, San Francisco, has returned from spending the summer at his sumrner home in Hacienda, Sonoma Countv, on the Russian River.

On Trip To The Orient

Haywarci Dill, manager of the Dill Lumber Co. at Arlington, r.vith Mrs. Dill, is on a trip to the Orient' He is expected back in about a month.

Jeff Corkran Visits Bay District

C. G. "Jefi" Corkran, of Sacramento. representative in the Sacramento Valley of MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, recently paid his first visit in some time to San Francisco. Iefi. rn'ho is very tall, has often been referred to as "the biggest lumberman on the Pacific Coast," ancl probablv still rates that title.


Chris. M. Winiger, manager, Pyrarnid Lumber Sales Co', Oakland, recently returned from a business trip to the Pacific Northwest, on which he went as far north as Everett. Wash. Most of the mills he visited had good order files, and all were looking forward to good business for the rest of the year.

Meets Old Friend On Trip

C. H. White, vice president and general manager of White Brothers, San Francis'co, on his vacation recently visited relatives, members of the Vance family, well knorvn pioneer lumber family, at Eureka, and while there ran across Mayor Frank Sweasy of Eureka, an old classtnate of his at U. of C. many years ago, whom he hadn't seen sin,ce college clays. Mr. White attended the banquet given in Eureka in connection with the football game between University of San Francisco and Humboldt State College.

NOWI the New FALL (roeth) EDlTloN of the Lumberm.ents

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