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Inland Lumber Institute Meets at Colton
Fred A. Chapin Presided. at Meeting
The Inland Lumber Institute held their fall meeting at the Hotel Anderson in Colton, Calif., on Tuesday evening, October 8. The retail dealers in the Orange Belt were invited and there was a good turnout to enjoy the interesting program. Fred A. Chapin, president of the Institute, presided at the meeting.
Harry A. Lake, president oi the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, discussed association activities, both National and State, and stated that the National Association can be a great help to the California dealers by working as a unit. At a meeting of a group of Southern California retail lumber dealers recently held at Los Angeles, rvhich was attended by F. Dean Prescott of the Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, who is a member of the Executive Committee of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, he advised the dealers endorded the grademarking of lumber atrd instructed Mr. Prescott to take the matter up with the National association. Mr. Lake said the big State ,convention will be held at San Diego on November 6,7 and 8, several speakers from outside the state will address the meeting and a fine program is being arranged by the committee. He also talked on the progress of the National Housing Arlministration saying that a "whiz of business" has been developed under Title I. The F. H. A. is going to be the "big push" next year, he stated. "Business is on the up-grade all over the State," Mr. Lake declared, and basecl on his talks with lumber dealers throughout the State, he thinks we will have an era of five years of good business.
1.. C. Cotner, president of the Timbercraft Shingle Corp., rvholesalers in red cedar shakes and shingles, with general ofifices and warehouse in Los Angeles, talked on their red cedar shake operations at their mill at Milwaukee, Oregon. Mr. Cotner's company 'carry complete stocks of shakes and shingles at Los Angeles and distribute their proddcts through the retail lumber dealers.
Clint Laughlin of Los Angeles, who has been district rnanager for Southern California of the California Wholesale Lumber Association. stated that the State wholesale association dissolved on September 30 and that a Southern California Wholesale Lumber Association has been organized with offices in Los Angeles. He pointed out the advantages to the retail lumber dealers of a wholesale lumber association in Southern California and stated that many of the retail lumber groups have endorsed the new organization.
J. E. Suverkrup of the John Suverkrup Lumber Co., San
Bernardino, introduced the next speaker, S. G. Gassaway of the Federal Housing Administration, Los Angeles, who talked on loans up to $50,000 to modernize apartments, multiple family dwellings, hotels, stores and shops, hospitals, schools, manufacturing and industrial plants, etc., under the National Housing Act. He described the methods used in making FHA appraisals and concluded his talk by showing a moving picture talkie, "Modernization for Profit," which showed many illustrations of various kinds of structures both before and after modernization.
The following attended the meeting:
Chas C. Adams......Chas. C. Adams Lumber Co., San Bernardino
H. M. Shattuck .... ..Shattuck Lumber Co., Orntario
W. R. McWilliams....Sec., Ontario-Pomona Lumber Club, Ontario
Ben Vizio .....C'ucamonga Lumber & Mill Co., Cucamonga
Haney E. Hall Fox-Woodsum Lumber Co., Redlands
Harvey M. Safie1 Fox-Woodsum Lumber Co., Colton
G. B. Martin .Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Banning
Harold Kahn ........Ernest Ganahl Lumber Co., Lake Arrowhead
Ernest Ganahl ..Ganahl-Grimm Lumber Co., Anaheim
G, H. Laurie Fontana Lumber Co., Fontana
C. W. Snyder...... ....Fontana Lumber Company, Fontana
J. E. Martin......The California Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles
L. P. Black....Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Btoomington
T. O. Thompson.Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Bloomington
Charles Narberg..Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Beaumont
D. M. Holsinger... ......D. M. llolsinger, Yucaipa
J. H. Brown D. M. Holsinger, Yucaipa
W. ,{. Garmon.Hayward Lumtrer & Investnrent Co., San Bernardino
H. H. Johnson......Crowe Building Material Co., San Bernardino
L. M. Topping.Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., San Bernardino
F. M. Davidson..Hayward Lum. & Investment Cb., San Bernardino
G.. E. Smith. ..Hammond Lumber Co., Colton
E. W. Moore .......Hammond Lumber Co., San Bernardino
Chet N'uckalls.Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., San Bernardino
Roy L. Sandefur. .Dill Lumber Cornpany, Arlington
C. L. Miller. ..Fred A. Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino
J. H. Newman..........Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., San Bernardino
H. E. Barton ...Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., San Bernardino
Dan Strite....Hammond & Little River Lumber Co., Los Angeles
Steve Powell Powell Lumber Co., Fontana
G. W. Royce ....Patten-Btinn Lumber Co., Redlands
Tommy Chapin......Fred A. Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino
R. D. Kerwin .Inland Lumber Institute, San Bernardino
Frank Watrous..... ....Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Riverside
H. E. Schnur ....Patten-Blinn Lumber Co.. Riverside
H. H. Spaulding.... .H. H. Spaulding' Hemet
A. H. Arwedson.... .H. H. Spaulding, Hemet
J. E. Suverkrup......John Suverkrup Lumber Co., San Bernardino
L. C. Cotner .......Timbercraft Shingle Corp., Los Angeles
H. F. Suverkrup...;..John Suverkrup Lumber Co., San Bernardino
S. G. Gassaway....Federal Housing Administration, Los Angeles
(Continued on Page l5)
Organize Southern California !(/holesale Lumber Association
The Southern California Wholesale Lumber Association was organized at a meeting held in Los Angeles on Friday, October 11. An executive committee in,cluding the firms of MacDonald & Bergstrom, In,c., Chas. R. McCormick l-umber Co. and Tacoma Lumber Sales, was ele,cted to act as a governing board together rvith the Association secretary, Clint Laughlin. The Association office is at 625 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles.
BacL in Lumber Game
F red Golding is back in the lumber game after an absen'ce of a few years and is with the Globe Lumber Co. of Los Angeles where he is selling Fir and Pine. He has been connected with the lumber business in the I-os Angeles territory for many years where he is rvidely knorvn to the trade. Fred says he just had to get back in the lumber game and get some splinters in his hands again.
In the arti'cle, "Red Cedar Shingle Industry Talkie Has All-Star Hollywood Cast", which appeared in the O,ctober I issue, it stated that the ofEce scenes of the Talkie r,vere photographed in the offi'ces of the Hollywood yard of Lounsberry & Harris where the work was facilitated by the fact that these offices are treated with Celotex sound deadening material. This was in error as the Hollywood offices of Lounsberry & Harris are treated with Fir-Tex.
lnland Lumber lnstitute Meeting
(Continued from Pa*e 14)
Fred A. Chapin. Fred A. Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino.
C. Reenders........Secy., Inland Lumber Institute, San Bernardino
H. A. Lake..Pres., Calif. Retail Lumtrermen's Assn., Garden Grove
C. J. Laughlin....So. Calif. Wholesale Lumber Assn., Los Angetes
J. L. Green. .Hammond Lumber Co., San Bernardino
E. L. Schedin....,.......Hammond Lumber Co., San Bernardino
G. W. Gibson...... Gibson Lumber Co., San Bernardino
H. G. Sargent...... ...Sargent Lumber Co., San Bernardino
M. Haitch. .......Ouality Milk Co., San Bernardino