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Random ltems---Mill Run
G. H. Laurie re,cently opened a yard at Fontana which he is operating under the name of the Fontana Lumber Co. Mr. Laurie was formerly with the powell Lumber Co. at Fontana.
Floyd Hallock, manager of the Marshfield, Ore., ofifice of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., was in San Francisco re,cently for a short visit. Ile was accompanied by his wife.
Back From Vacation In Iowa
Bob Holden of Los Angeles, sales representative for the S,outhwestern Portland Cement Co., is back on the territorv after spending a two weeks' vacation in Iowa.
W. A. Whitman, president of the West Waterway Lumber Co., Seattle, 'Wash., was a Los Angeles visitor last week when he called on John Olson who represents his firm in Southern California. Mr. Whitman was on his way back to Seattle following a combined business and pleasure trip in the east.
Fred J. Wood, Bellingham, Wash., president of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., has been visiting at the company's Los Angeles and San Fran,cisco offices.
Makes Eastern Trip By Air
Huber Wise, secretary-treasurer of the Harbor plywood Company, Hoquiam, Wash., was a re,cent visitor to San Fran'cisco and Los Angeles. He traveled by plane from the Northwest to both cities and left Los Angeles O,ctober 12 for Chicago by the air route. He will visit a number of points in the Eastern states, making the entire trip by plane.
Calls On Southern California Trade
R. S. Fox, Seattle Export Co., Seattle, Wash., was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a few days with Dee Essley calling on the trade. Mr. Essley represents the company in the Southern California territory.
Successful Hunting And Fishing Trip
Ray Julien, sales representative for the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. of Los Angeles reports that he had a successful hunting and fishing trip during his vacation. He bagged the limit of doves in the Imperial Valley and then did some deep sea fishing off the Coronados Islands.
Port Orford Cedar Business Good Modernization and Repairs Under FHA
Port Orford Cedar business is holding up rvell, according to Geo. A. Ulett, lranager of Smith Wood-Products, fn,c., Coquille, Ore., largest produ,cers of band-sawn Port Orford Cedar, who was in San Fran,cisco recently to confer with James L. Hall, California agent for his firm. Business is particularly good in Venetian blind stock, and both their domesti,c and export business is grolving, Mr. Ulett said. Ife was on his way to the East Coast on a business and pleasure trip, traveling by automobile.
Col. \(/. H. Evans Resigns
Col. William H. E,vans announced his resignation as supervisor of the Southern California district, Federal Housing Administration, on September 30. Mr. Evans will devote his time to personal business interests.
Aaron O. Smith
Aaron O. Smith, manager of the Grenfell Lumber Company's yard at Butte City, was drorvned in the Sacramento River September 21, when the boat from which he was fishing capsized. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Helen Smith and a son. Carl.
N. L. M. A. Meetinss
(Continued from Page 1l) affiliated u'ith the N. L. M. A. or to any member of such asso,ciation. But individual participation is to be through the indicated regional association unless it elects otherwise. The present projects and activities of AFPI are to go or1. They are:-Timber Engineering Company-surveys and preliminary investigations of recommended new projects, and administration and continuity. Projects which are to be undertaken as promptly as financial support is assured include: Wood interiors and exteriors, prefabricated small buildings, rvood treatments, fire tests, automatic moisture meter and lumber sorter. Proposed projects are: Termite treatments, fire retardant doors, prefabri'cated oil industry stru'ctures, wood flooring devices, prefabri'cated, demountable small buildings, new sash and rvindow designs.
Total 5872,282,794
An all-time high of $14,584,625 rvorth of business done b1private lending institutions under tl.re Fecleral Housing Adrninistration's Modernization Credit and Mutual Mortgage Insurance Plans rvas recorded during the rveek ending September 28.
There were 21,362 modernization loans totaling $7,M6,337, bringing the total made since the beginning of the program in August, 1934, to 444,139, valued at $165,352,01 1. The I,932 mortgages selected for appraisal totaled $7,518,288, making the cumulative total 46,087 representing $179,7t8,982.
The total volume of modernization and repair work stimulated by the program is much greater than the loans indicate. It is estimated that property owners have spent in cash since August 1,1934, a total of $872,282,794 stimulated by Federal Housing Administration activities. The estimated amount for the week ending September 28 is $18,578,956.
Paciftc MutuallDoor Co. Makes Changes
T. E. Eckstrom has been appointed general manager of the Pacific Mutual Door Co. with headquarters in their home office at Tacoma, Wash. lle was formerly Southern California manag'er for the company.
Roy Fobes, widely known Los Angeles lumberman, has been appointed Southern California manager. In taking over his new position, Mr. Fobes says the cornpany is in good position to make prompt plywood shipments. Their Southern California office and r,r'arehouse is at 1126 Westminster Ave., Alhambra.
Model Home at San Bernardino
The Realty Board of San Bernardino in cooperation with the lumber dealers there is constructing a model home on Edgehill Road in the northern part of the city. The new home whi,ch will be of Monterey type'ivill have a beautiful setting at the base of the foothills. Construction work started on October 9 and when completed the house will be open for inspection for two months. The completed structure will be valued at $8,000.