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Ten Years Ago Today

From the Files of The California Lumber Merchant, October 15, 1925

,Fred Roth, vicegerent snark of the San Francisco Bay District, has appointed his committees to assist him during the new Hoo-Hoo year. He will hold his first concatenation on Thursday evening, November 12, which will be known as "Robert Dollar Night" in honor of San Francisco's. prominent lumber and shipping man.

At the Spokane r,r.o"1 J".J,"*, Rod Hendrickson of San Francisco was named Junior Hoo-Hoo on the Supreme Nine.

Arrangements are being made for a Southern California Special Train to carry the lumbermen from the southern part of the state to the annual meeting of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at Fresno on October 30 and 31, and Frank N. Gibbs, Gibbs Lumber Co., Anaheim, made the first reservation.

R. o. Deacon and F. D:"J pl"..o,, of Fresno attended the luncheon given to Al Hager, IToo-Ifeo Snark of the Llniverse, at the Pala.ce Hotel. San Francisco where they greeted the nerv snark.

There was a special luncheon of San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 and East Bav Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 at the Pala.ce Hotel, San Francisco, on September 28 in honor pf Al Hager of Lansing, Mich., Snark of the lJniverse and his party who were making a tour of the Pacifi,c Coast states following the Hoo-Hoo annual at Spokane. John C. M,cCabe, president of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 presided at the meeting. Talks were made by Frank Trower, Dave Woodhead, Milt Hendrickson, J. Walter Kelly, Rod Hendrickson, R. A. Hiscox, Snark Ffager, Ifenry Isherwood, l_,louis Burgiss, H. D. Foote, A. E. Boatright and Parson Simpkin. In the afternoon the visitors were taken on a sightseeing trip over San Francisco and the Peninsula.

Pictures from the .off.Ji"l ol,n. Antioch Lumber Co..

Antioch, showing the familiar old "Wind Jamrners" which were used extensively in the olden days in the coastwise lumber trade appear in this issue. The "three masted" shows a view of discharging lumber on the dock at Antioch in 1898, while the "six masted" shows the same operation at Antioch in 1900. The Antioch Lumber Co. is the oldest lumber concern in Contra Costa county ancl has operated a lumber yard there for sixty years.

C. J. (Clint) Laughlinl t-*o, lo."*.,"s nanager for the Long-Bell Lumber Co., will soon leave for San Francisco where he will succeed Kenneth Smith, manager of the San Fran'cisco offrce, who is being transferred to the company's Philadelphia office. Ifarvey Bowles will be rnanager of their Los Angeles office.

W. E. Thayer, *".rug.Jot tnJ u*rin Lurrrber & Supply Co., San Fran.cisco, has returned from a two months' trip in the East where he visited several of the large eastern cities. While in New England, he spent several days at Dennis on Cape Cod. He also visited Yellowstone and Estes National Parks. ***

Lloyd Harris is still leading the Redwood salesmen in the Redwood contest. He is having keen competition and during the past two weeks was hard pressed by several of the salesmen in Southern California. R. F. Hammatt reports that the retail trade very much enthused over the contest.

Lumber interests .r tnJpJ.inl Co"rt are playing a very substantial part in the development of San Francis,co bay commerce and are looking forward with keen interest to the constructive program being prepared by mernbers of the board of state harbor commissioners according to Frank O'Conn'or, president of the Pacifi,c Coast Shipowners' Association.

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