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Mrs. D. Roosevelt Presented with Giant Redwood K.y at San Diego Exposition Franklin

The initials FDR are hand carved frorn a Redu'ood burl. 'Ihe shaft of the key is structural Redwood, the same type of Redwood as used by the California State Highway Department in the construction of their timber bridges. The top of the key is made of vertical grain Redwood, the same material that is usecl for all kinds of finish lumber. The key is l8 inches in length.

Acclaimed as an outstanding example of the woodworkers' craft, a giant key made of California Redwood was presented to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt on October 2 at the California Pacific International Exposition.

In accepting the key, Mrs. Roosevelt said she would give it to the President when she returned to the Hotel Del Coronado where President Roosevelt made his headquarters rvhile on his visit to the Exposition.

The presentation of the key to Modeltown, the FHA exhibit at the Exposition, was made by Austin L. Black. Deputy Regional Director of the Federal Housing Administration for the seven western states. The key was a gift of the California Redwood Association.

The key was made of durable California Redwood fashioned of a block cut from a tree that was over 20@ years old. One side of the key ,contains the insignia of the Federal Housing Administration, California poppies and an agricultural scene; the other side a mining scene, the Great Bear of the State of California, a Sequoia sempervirens and the name "California Redrvood."

Back From The Northwest

L. O. Green, of Gamerston & Green, San Francis,co, recently made a business and pleasure trip to the Northwest on which he was accompanied by his wife. He called on mills in Humboldt County and ir.r the Northwest, and traveled as far as Vancouver, B. C.

V. A. Kemmerrer, commer,cial artist of Los Angeles, designed the key, and it was made by the Sandkraft Products Corp. of Los Angelds, which concern is owned by Loren Weaver. The Redwood burl was presented by the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. of Los Angeles. The key was presented in a Redwood box made by the Golden State Box Co. of Los Angeles.


Frank L. Fox, president of the'Fctx--:Wooclbtlm Luidbet Co., Glendale, attended the fifteenth-annual convention of the California-Nevada Distri,ct, Kiwanis International, at the Del Monte Hotel on O,ctober 1O. 11 and 12. Mr. Fox was District Governor the past year.

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