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California Retailers Will Hold Annual Convention at San Diego--November 6-7-g

The annual meeting of the California Retail Lumb'ermen's Association will be held at San Diego on Weclnesdal'. Thursday and Friday, November 6, 7 and 8, 1935. The meeting will be held at the Hotel San Diego.

A meeting of the State Association lumber committee and the Redwood manufacturers will be held on Thursday morning. Thursday afternoon there will be a golf tournament at the l,a Mesa Country Club, La Mesa; those who do not play golf can attend the California Pa,cific International Exposition. On Thursday evening there will be an informal gathering for dinner at the Cafe of the World at the Exposition where they have a splendid floor show and dancing with no cover charge.

Friday morning there rvill be a breakfast meeting of the State Association board of directors and lumber secretaries of the State. At the business session on Friday morning, the chief topic for discussion will be "New Costs of Doing Business and Taxation." Friday noon there will be a luncheon and entertainment at the Hotel San Diego. At the afternoon business session, the Red Cedar Shingle Industry talkie will have its first showing and will be followed by a discussion on "General Mer,chandising Problems in Relation to Government, Manufacturers and Retailers." Friday evening there will be an informal dinner dance and entertainment in the Pompeian Room of the Hotel San Diego.

The lumbermen of the San Diego distri,ct, with Orrie W. Hamilton, secretary-manager of the Lumbermen's Service Bureau of San Diego, are arranging for the details of the convention. The various committees include:

RECEPTION-A. B. Cadman, manager, W. P. Fuller Company, San Diego; E. L. Bullen, president, Homeland Building Co., National City; Al Frost, proprietor, Frost Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego; W. D. Hall, president, W. D. Hall Co. El Caion; H. t,. Miner, secretary, Whit- ing Mead Co., San Diego; W. J. Glasson, president, Glasson Mill & Lbr. Co., San Diego; J. D. Johnson, proprietor, National Lumber Co., National City; R. N. Ransom, manager,, Ransom Bros. Lbr. Co., Ramona.

ARRANGEMENTS-G. Frank N,olan, general manager, Patten Blinn Lumber Co., San Diego; Lloyd Russell, presi{ent, Century Lumber Company, San Diego; C. A. Smith, manag'er, Eastside Lumber Co., San Diego; W. J. MoDermott, proprietor, Miller M,cDermott Hardwood Co., San Diego.

ENTERTAINMENT-Harry McGahey, manager, San Diego Lumber Co., San Diego; Jerry Sullivan, Jr., president Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego; L. B. Neill, president, La Mesa Lumber Co., La Mesa.

PROGRAM-GIen Miner, general manager, Whiting Mead Company, San Diego; Knute (Bud) Rinde, wholesale manager, Benson Lumber Company, San Diego; Frank Meyer, manager, Hillcrest Lumber Company, San Diego.

FINANCE-W. S. (Bill) Cowling, secretary-manager. Dixie Lumber Company, San Diego; George Klicka, vicepresident, Klicka Lumber Companv, San Diego; George Johnson, manag'er, National Lumber Co., National City: Rex Hall, vice president, W. D. Hall Cornpany, El'Cajon. GOLF-Frank Park, president, Park Lum,ber Co., La Mesa; E. B. Culnan, vice president, Western Lumber Co., San Diego; Earl M,cCormick, president, McCormick Lumber Co.. San Diego.

Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, Garden Grove; Paul Hallingby, Hammoncl Lumber Company, Los Angeles; Dee Essley, Elliot Bay Sales Co., Los Angeles, and C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier, met with the committees at the Hotel San Diego, San Diego, on Saturday, October 12, to arrange for the final arrangements of the ,convention program.


Hogan Lumber Co. ------------------------------------------19

Holmes Eureka Lunrber

M. ADAMS Cimlatlo Mangc

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