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Advertiaing Maucaol lucorporclod uadrr tho lawr ol Cclilonic l. C. Dloalo, Pr... qtrd Trocu l. E. Mard!, Vlcc-Prcr.r W. T. Dlccl. Sccr.taq' Publirhrd tho lrt crd l5th ol ccch nostb al 5&9-10 Certrql Buildiag. 108 Wcst Si*th Strcet, Lor lrgelo l{, Ccl., Toblrhoao VAaditr 1365 Estorcd cr Srcoad-clcrr acttor Soplcubor 25, l92ll, dt tb. Port OEc. ci Lor lsgclo, Cctllonis, -uader Act ol March 3, t8?9

Subaciption Price, S2.00 per Yecr Siagle Copiee, 25 cent! eccb


\Tarship Named for Los Angeles

Hero Launched

A Navy vessel, the U.S.S. James C. Owens, was launched on October 1 from ways of the Bethlehem Steel Company's San Pedro Shipbuilding division. fhe vessel lvas named for one of Los Angeles' war heroes, Lieut. James Charles Owens J.., U. S. N., Navy flyer who lost his lile r.n'ith the heroic Torpedo Squadron 8 in the Battle of Midway.

Mrs. Helen Maxie Owens. widow of the officer for.whom the ship was named, christened the vessel.,llis mother, Mrs. Ernestine Owens, was the matron of honor, and his father, James Charles Owens, Sr., well known Los Angeles lumberman, was a special guest of honor.

Lieut. Owens was a graduate of the lJniversity of Southern California and became a naval aviation cadet in 1935. He rvas presented the Navy Cross, posthumously.

Hardwood Yard Association Meets

D. Carlysle Maclea, of the Maclea Lumber Co., Baltimore, was reelected president of the National Wholesale Lumber Distributing Yard Association at the annual meeting held in Chicago on September 26. Other officers reelected were Fred G. Christman, Christman Veneer & Lumber Co., St. I-ouis, first vice president; Frank J. Connolly, Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, second vice president, and J. Jackson Kidd, Jr., Kidd & Buckingham Lumber Co., Baltimore, secretary-treasurer.

Among the directors reelcted were J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Francisco, LeRoy H. Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, and Dallas Donnan, Ehrlich-Harrison Co., Seattle.

Dee Essley Member of Hoo-Hoo

Supreme Nine

The fifty-third annual of the International Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo was held in Milwaukee on September 9.

Don S. Montgomery was reelected to head the Supreme Nine as Snark of the lJniverse. Other members of the Supreme Nine chosen for 1945 are Hal R. Dixon, Senior Hoo-Hoo; Martin J. McDonald, Junior Hoo-Hoo; George V. Fredrickson, Scrivenoter; Joseph C. L. Evans, Bojum; D. C. Essley, Jabberwock; Ray E. Saberson, Custocatian; A. B. Sammons, Arcanoper, and H. C. Berckes, Gurdon.

The following officers were reelected to serve during 1945; Sam L. Boyd, president; Ted T. Jones, vice president; B. F. Springer, secretary and W. M. Wattson, treasurer.

Appointed Assistcnt Mcrncger

E. L. "Ted" Connor is back in Seattle and is assistant rnanager of the Colonial Cedar Co. Ted was identified with the shingle industry in the Northwest for many years before coming to Los Angeles where he operated a shingle business. He was with the Chapman Lumber Co. of Portland, Ore., the past two years.

C. E. Putman heads the Colonial Cedar Co. The company has a shingle stiining plant and distributing yard in Seattle, and markets Fitite Colonial processed red cedar shakes and Sta-on stained shingles.

New Telephone Number

& Carson Lumber been changed to

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