1 minute read
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H. B. Cooper, Jr., son of H. B. Cooper of the Cooper Lumber Co., Portland, arrived at San Pedro September 23 after spending more than a year in the South Pacific. He is a cadet officer in the N{erchant Marine.
M. L. "Duke" Euphart, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, spent the last two weeks in the Pacific Northwest on business, making his headquarters at the firm's Portland office.
W. K. Kendrick, sales manager, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, has returned from a two weeks' business trip to the Pacific Northwest.
John Morley, Homestead Lumber Co., Sacramento, made a business trip to the Northrn'est early this month.
M. W. Parelius, Parelius Lumber Co., Portland, is on a two week's trip to California. He will visit the firm's representatives, Paul McCusker, San Francisco, and F. A. "Pete" Toste, Los Angeles.
Wayne Mullin, Mullin Lumber Company, is on an Eastern trip Los Angeles,
Joe Hearin, Lumber \\rholesalers, Meclford, Ore., was a recent Southern California visitor.
Rudie Henderson, Lone Pine Lumber & Supply Co., Lone Pine, spent a feu' days in Los Angeles around the first oi the month.
Albert A. Kelley, wholes3le lumber dealer of Alameda, Calif., returned from a business trip to Portland and other Northwest points. He attended the lumber auction in Portland October 3 and 4. He made the trip by air.
Tom Dant of Dant & Russell, Inc., at the end of last week from a visit to Los Angeles.
Portland, returned San Francisco and
Mr. and Mrs. George Clough are the happy parents of a baby boy born at the Queen of the Angels Hospital, Los Angeles, on October 6. Mr. Clough is general sales manager of the San Pedro Lumber Co. at Los Angeles.
Norlhen Cqlilonic leprerntcdvo o. L RUSST'M
Ill l.lrrrlcrt SL, Ssn Frqacirco, Iclcphoar YUlon ll80 Southcncd-it-ruon.prcs.stqtiv.