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suDDEIf & CHruSTEItSlil, II|C, Lrr,mber Shipping

Appointed General Traffic Manager

Paul R. Dupree, for the past four years traffic manager for American Lumber & Treating Company at Jacksonville, Fla., has been appointed general traffic manager for the rvood-preserving company, according to an announcement by J. F. Linthicum, president.

Candidat e lor State Assembly

Burton W. Chace, Long Beach retail lumber dealer, is the Republican nominee for the California State Assembly in the 71st district at the general election to be held on November 7.

Mr. Chase has been a resideut of Long Beach f.or 2l years, and he founded the Chase Lumber & Supply Co. in 1924. He has long been actively identified in civic work, ;rnd served eight years (1933-41) on the Long Beach Board of Education. He is a successful businessman, and is widely known throughout the Long Beach district.

Poul R, Dupree

Mr. Dupree, rvho rvill handle traffrc matters involving ten wood-preserving plants scattered from Oregon to Florida and up to Nerv Jersey, brings seventeen years of experience in freight traffic to the job. Prior to joining American Lumber & Treating Company, he spent thirteen -n*ears in various phases of freight traffic with the Norfolk & Western, and was chief clerk to the general Western freight agent of the railroad when he moved from the carrier's side of the table to the shipper's.

Although American Lumber & Treating Company's general offices are at Chicago, Mr. Dupree will continue for the present to handle traffic work from the Southeastern district office of the company, at Jacksonville.

New Custom Millingr Finn

George E. Howard, Cliff Rupp and Frank Evola have crganized the Firwood Lumber Company, and they are operating a custom milling plant at 11821 South Alameda Street, Los Angeles, which is well equipped with machinery to do resawing, ripping, surfacing and detailing. The telephone number is Klmball 4O77.

They are all well known in Los Angeles business circles. Mr. Howard and Mr. Rupp were formerly with the Whiting-Mead Co., and Mr. Evola was with the Consolidated Steel Corp.

Bcrck lrom Northwest

C. M. "Friday" Freeland, West Oregon Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is back from the Northwest where he visited the company's office in Eugene, and the mill in Portland.

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