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5995 Vilshire Blvd., Los Angeles " the Personal Seruice lllan"

How Lumber

The Western tember 30, 105 feet, shipments feet. Orders on 204,000 feet.


Pine Association for the week ended Sepmills reporting, gave orders as 85,885,000 76,275,Un feet, and production 80,653,000 hand at the end of the week totaled 42I''

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended September 30, 97 units (150 mills) reporting' gave orders as 32,635,Offi feet, shipments Z2,lOl,0O0 feet, and production 18,93O,0@ feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 140,044,000 feet.

The West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended September 30, 176 mills reporting, gave orders as 118,608,000 feet, shipments 122,340,000 feet, and production 114,262,C00'f.eet.

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