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One 36-inch Royal Invincible Berlin Sander, in first class condition. Price $500.00.

A. E. Fickling Lumber Co.

Long Beach 6, Calif.

Phone 614-57

Wants Used Lumber Truck

San Francisco lurnber firm wants to buy a llA or 2ton used lumber truck that is in good condition.

Address Box C-1052, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, California.

Lumber Yards For Sale

Small yard 10 miles from Los Angeles on main highway. Ground improvements and machinery $9820.00. Small stock at inventory. Sales for 1943 about $3o,ooo.0o.

Coast yard Los Angeles County. 3 acres, 19,000 square feet of sheds, fine office, spur track, all fon $12,000.00. Small stock additional.

Yard closed for duration. 60 miles from Los Angeles. Ground and buildings $10,000.00.

If you want to sell your yard, either closed for duration or open for business, Iet us know.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers

801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif.

Phone PRospect 8746

Terrible Twenty GolI Tournqment

The 2Tth Terrible Terrible golf tournament was held at the Virginia Country Club, Long Beach. Thursday afternoon, September 14, and Bob Falconer and Ed Bauel were hosts to twenty-one members and three guests. Dinner was served in the evening at the Pacific Coast Club.

Curt McFadden won first prize, a sport shirt. George Gartz and Vic Jones were tied for'second prize and this rvill be played off at the next tournament.

Ed Bauer will handle the October tournament which will be held at the Lakeside Golf Club.

Heqds Eugene C, oI C.

Harry W. Aldrich,'president of the H. W. Aldrich Luml>er Co., Eugene, Oregon, was recently elected president of the Eugene Chamber of Commerce.

It is fitting that a well known lumberman should serve in this important position in Eugene, which has grorvn and will continue to grow as a lumber manufacturing center.


Of llle California Lumber Merchant, published Semi-monthly at Los Angeles, California, Ior October 7, 1944. 'Statc oI Califoraia I Conty of Los Angcles, l3s' Beforc me, a Notary Public ia and for tbc State and couutt sforc' said, pcrsonally appeared J. E. Martin, who, having been duly awom according to law, deposes and says that he is the Business Manager of Thc California Lumber Merchant, and that the following is, to the best of his. knowledgc and belief, a true statement of the owncrship, managcmcnt (and if a daily paper, the circulation), ctc., of the aforcsaid publication for the date shown-in tbe above caption,'required by the Act of August-24,1912, az amended by the Act of March 3, 1933, embodied in section 537' Postal Iaws ancl Regulations, printed on thc rcverse of this form, to wit:

1. That the names and addrtsseg of the publisher, cditor'- malraging editoi, ind business managers are: Publisher, J. C. D-i9-nn9r S08.Central Bla;:. h; Atceles t+. Citit.; Editor, J' C.'Dionne, 508 Cgnral- Blqs.' I,"-.-A"eil.. tl."Calif.;'Managing Editbr, I' E' Martin, 508 Central Blds" h;;fifti;; iql Calii;'Busin.is l4anager, i' E. Martin, 508 Central Bldg" Los Anseles 14, Calif. --z. - fn"t- til ;;;;t is: (If owncd bv a corporation,its mme and address- musi be stated and also immcdiately thereunder the namcs and addresses of stockholdcrs owning or holding one per cent- or more o{ total amount of stck, If not owned by,a corporation, tb€.namcr and addresscs of the individual owners must be givcn. rt omed by e hi-. co-na.v. or other unincorporated concern, its namc and addresr, as well ai those of each individual mcmber, must bc givcn.)

The Califomia Lumber Merchant (a corporation), 508 Central Bldg" Los Anc€les.

J. e. Dionne, Los Angeles, Calif.

J. E. Martin, Los Angeles, Calif.

W. T. Black, San Francisco, California.

T. P. Wier, Houston. Texas.

Mrs. A. C. Merryman, Pasadena, Califomia

Mayrnme Adams, Los Angeles, Calif.

3. That the knowa bondholders, mortgagces, and other sccurity holdcrs ownins or holdinc I Dcr cent or more of-total amount o{ bonds, mort' (ases,-or other sicuriiies are: (ff there arc none, so state.) None. - -4. That the two paragraphs next abov€, giving the namcs of thc owners, stockholders, ind iecirrity holders, if any, contain not -only tbe list of stockholders ind securitv -holders as they appear upoa the books of the company but also, in cases wherc thc stockholder or surit!' holder appears upon the books of the company as ttlstce or -in any other fiiiriciary ielation, the name of the - pclson or orporation f-or whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two p.ragraphs contain statements embracing afiiant's full knowledge and belicf ac to the circumstances and condiiions under which stockholders and eecurity holdere who do not apoear upon the books of tbc company as truste , hold stock and securiiies in i capacity othcr than tbat of e bona 6dc owner; and this afriant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any int€rest diftct or indirect in the raid stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him.

5. That thc average numbcr of copies of each issuc of this publi: cation sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the twelvc months preceding thc date shom abovc is (This iarormatioa is rrcouircdorrm lltl.t#3lt"fflT.:.#")

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