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Postwar markets will be larger, and a greater variety of plywoods will be available, including plastic-plywood.
With lumber ncrmed qs "the most vitcrl wqr commodity," it hcs not been possible to tcke cqre oI the needs oI our retqil decler customers. But we qssure them we hcrve done crnd will do our best in this most dillicult situqtion.
Merle D. Bishop
Merle Donald Bishop, of the Builders Ernporium, El Ceriito, Calif., widely known retail lumberman, passed away in Berkeley on September 24.
For several years before going into business for himself in El Cerrito, Mr. Bishop was secretary of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club, with headquarters in Watsonville,
He was a director of the Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California, a member of the Richmond Rotary Club, of Campanile Post, American Legion, and the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Martha ts. Bishop; a daughter, Patricia Bishop; his mother, Mrs. Isabel Bishop of Clyde, Calif., and a sister, Mrs. Albert E. Gross, Clyde, Calif.
Funeral services were held in Oakland. September 26.
Dcrniel Angst
Daniel Angst, superintendent of the Pacific Lumber Company's shipping terminal at Fields Landing, Calif., passed away suddenly on September 24 following a heart attack in his offrce on the wharf. IIe was 66 years of age.
Born at Clifford, Ontario, Canada, he came to California rvhen he was twenty years old, and began his ernployment with lumber concerns at Tuolumne and Fort Bragg, going to Eureka thirty-nine years ago to work for the Pacific I.umber Company.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mable E,. Angst; a son, Darrell C. of Vallejo, a radar specialist employed by the government; a daughter, Mrs. James Harris of Los Angeles; a sister, Mrs. William l![cKeon, and a brother, John Angst, both of McKellar, Ontario.
Funeral services were held at Eureka, Wednesday, S.pternber 27.
E. W. Schnqbel
Ernest Walter Schnabel, president of the Glenwood Lumber Company, San Jose, passed away recently at his home there. He was 69 years of age.
He is survived by his wido'r,v, a daughter, two sons, and a brother, Otto E. Schnabel, with whom he was associated in business for fifty years.
Pcrul Scrnderson
Paul Sanderson, Trinity, Texas, president of the Southern Pine Association and one of the most prominent lumher manufacturers in the South, died from a stroke on October 9 in Mexico City where he was'recently taken for the treatment of another illness. He was 56 years of age.
Digest of New \(/ar Agency Regulations
Lumber Washington, Sept. D-The purchase of large quantities of lumber by operators of transportation systems, formerly regulated by P-142, the Transportation Equipment Order, is now governed instead by the lumber control order, L-335, the War Production Board announced today.
The War Production Board and the National Housing Agency announ'ce procedures lvhich will give immediate priorities assistance to discharged veterans for building or remodeling their homes.
Softwood Plywood
Distributors' stocks of softwood plywood total only 4O.5 million square feet, or less than a 30 day inventory, an industry advisory committee was informed at a recent meeting, and allo,cations of plywood to distributors under Order L-l50-A cannot be increased to raise this critically low level of stocks while heavy military demands on the mills continue, WPB officials report.
Building Equipment
Any piece of building service equipment authorized or rated by the WPB on a special application form, or any piece of processing or service machinery or equipment, whether or not specifically approved, may now be installed in an existing building without permission under Conservation Order L-41, regardless of cost limits, the WPB reports.
Lumber the price regulation soft wood lumber. MPR 215), effective
OPA announces several changes in covering distribution yard sales of (Amendment 8 to Second Revised Oct. 14.