3 minute read
Plcrn now to feqture these improved Douqlcs Fir Doors. Wrile for cctclog showing Interior Doors, Tru-Fit Entrqnce Doors, qnd new speciclty items.
Check these fealures, all available on order. The slight additional cost is more than offset by savings on the job. Now available only for essential building Douglas Fir Doors will be ready again when war needs lesen.
n tell this industry story with the hope that it will be told and . You should tell it to customer, neighbor and friend. This is the ly. In spite of a civilian shortage today, there will be plenty of high lity lumber as soon as war needs are satisfied, because there is an -?bundant supply of saw timber still standing in U. S. forests.
The present scarcity of lumber for civilian needs is due, in part, to the shortage of skilled workers in forest and mill. The industry has lost between 70,OOo and 8o,ooo experienced men. It suffers too from a shortage of equipment-fewer Power saws, tractors, trucks' and tires. Our production is no longer measured in mill capacity but rather by available man Power and equipment. Yet despite the shortage of man Power and machinery in our effort to meet the war needs, the industry today is producing much more lumber than is normally required for civilian consumption.
The channeling of this production to civilian markets is a simple matter. For there is no reconversion problem in the lumber industry. '\tr/ar needs and civilian needs are similar. They both use the same sizes, grades and items. Vith reconversion we'll simply continue to produce and ship traditional $Teyerhaeuser quality for civilian consumption.
Remember Trees Grow. It is the $7'eyerhaeuser policy to harvest its mature timber in such a mannef as to assist reforestation of logged-over lands.
Why Secretcrries Quit
"Dear Boss: I am tired. I'm quitting this game; My head has gone dizzy, my back has gone lame; My seat is all calloused, my hands paralyzed From, taking dictation. God help my poor eyes !
I've finished the brief in the Worcestershire caseA sloppy memento of this awful pace.
The writ of attachment was served on the bank; Defendant just called and he thinks it's a prank. Miss Pewster was in and she asked that you phone. Your wife's raising hell-says she's too much alone. The stamps are all gone, and you need a new chair; Your nails could stand trimming; remember your hair; I cleaned out the bottles and cigarette butts; You need a new steno, for this one's gone nuts."
"My, how you've changed ! You used to have thick, black hair, and now you'rs bald. You used to have a florid complexion, and now you're pale. You used to be chunky, and now you're skinny. I'm really surprised at the change, Mr. fones."
"But I'm not Mr. Jones."
"Heavens ! You mean to say you've changed your name, too ?"
H,e had choked her. She was dead; there was no doubt about it. He had listened to her dying gasp. Now she was cold-cold as the hand of death. Yet, in his anger he was not convinced. Furiously he kicked her. To his amazement she gasped, sputtered, and then began to hum softly. His wife said, from the back seat:
"You see? Just a little patience is all it takes, John."
Sign In cr Wcrr Plcrnt Where Women Work
"ff your sweater fits loose-look out for the machinery. If your sweater fits tight, look out for the mechanics."
A Prcryer
These favors I would humbly ask, In days remaining.
That I do my appointed taskWithout complaining.
And in life's battles that I may Be more forgiving.
And worthy of a small bouquetwhile r am living'
o. w. Macy.
No Middle Mcn Needed
"The spectacle of a human mind allowing preacher or politician, relation or friend, practitioner or teacher to do its thinking for it, would be unknown if each individual claimed the divine right of intelligence to hear and be heard of God."-Evelyn
F. Heywood.
The Father
The anxiously expectant father had been pacing the hospital floor nervously for hours, biting his nails and showing every sign of distress, when the nurse appeared with the news that it was a baby girl. He said:
"Thank God it's a girl ! She'll never have to go through what I have just been through."
The Instructor Scid:
"I will hold this rivet in the correct position, point in place, head straight out. When I nod my head, hit it as hard as you can with your hammer." She did. He went to the hospital.
Neighbor Lady: "Willie, I need some groceries from the store on the corner. Do you suppose you could go for me?"
Sophisticated Willie: "Nope, f couldn,t. But I hear Uncle Henry say he could."