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Distributors ol Pacific Coast Forest Products


7lr lf,.oOlrupic Blvd. Hemloclr t2l{,spaldial l#*"

Ross C. Iashley Cedcn Rich G. Robbins

L. t. GARR & CO.

Hilornia Svgar orlrd Porderos Pine


Mills At Woodlcaf, Calif.


P. o. Eox 1282 ltrf. !. lunning

Tcletypc Sc-13 438 Cha-xer of Comnerce Eldg.

Lumbermen's Post'Asks Dealers To Publicize Proposition No. 1

Leo E. Hubbard, chairman of the Veterans' Home and Farm Committee, Lumbermen's post No. 4O3, of the American Legion, Los Angeles, has sent a letter to the lumber dealers of California, regarding proposition No. 1, which, will ,be presented before the voters of California on the November, 1944, ballot, authorizing an aclditional bond issue' in the sum of thirty million dollars for the purpose of loaning money to veterans of World War II to buy hornes and farms at a low rate of interest.

With his letter, he enclosed a report of the Veterans, Welfare Board as of June 30, !944, to the Governor of California, which sho.ivs that between the years 1922 and, 1934 the State of California issued bonds totaling eighty million dollars for the purchase of homes and farms for veterans of World War I. ,'you, as lumber dealers,,, Mr. Hubbard says, "are thoroughly familiar rvith the past bond issue, and know that it meant considerable business for the lumber dealers of California, and that this additional business was developed without any cost to the taxpayers of the State of California. In addition to the soundness of Proposition No. 1, there is also,every reason for us to provide our returning boys and girls with the opportunity to build homes, or buy farms.,,

Lumbermen's Post of the American Leeion is behind this bond issue 100 per cent. Mr. Hubbard asks the lumber dealers. to act as chairman of the Lumbermen's Committee in their community, to enlist the support of the newspapers, arrange for speakers before the lodges and service ciubs, acquaint every minister and priest with the facts so they can pass on the information to their church clubs, contact the commander of the American Legion post in their dis_ trict, so that every person is acquainted with proposition No. 1 and will vote for it in the November election.

310-314 East 32nd Strea LOS ANGELES ADams 4995

The other members of the Veterans' Home and Farm Committee of Lumbermen,s post are p. W. Chantland, Roy E. James, Robert Leishman, J. W. Mcleod, G.orge d.. Melville, Fred Morehouse, Don R. philips, LeRoy H. Stan_ ton, Theo. L. Stearns, Ben Ostlind, Andrew Morrison, J. A. Brush, Lloyd Cole, Bill Constans, S. H. Giesy, Sam'f. Hayward, Rex P. Kratz, R. H. Loveday, ;. A. McNeitt, Wm. H. Morrison and Milton Taenzer.

Douglcs Fir-Redwood

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