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WITH WHENEVER THE TIME COMES THAT HE CAN DO SO. It is a sort of a vengeance book-future and contemplatedvengeance.

There used to be a story years ago about the fellow who kept what he called a "Hydrophobia List," and when asked what it was, he said it was a list of the people he was going to bite whenever he got hydrophobia. Well, that's what this little black book is. It is the peopls who took advantage of war conditions to see how dirty they could act toward him.

Now that man with his little black book is only a fair sample of Americans generally. I have a notion that there are mighty few of us who have not kept su,ch a list in some fashion. The other day I was talking to the owner and manager of a very large general store, when a lady approached and this was the conversation that took place between the store owner and the lady. She said: "f want you to know that several of your sales ladies are so rude that they are almost insulting." He said: "Madam, I know that even better than you do, and it hurts me worse. But if I let them go I have no way of replacing them, so I stand for things f never dreamed I would." Somewhat mollified, the lady said: "Well, I can tell you one thing; the day this

And then what? There are millions of them. all told. Maybe, in spite of ourselves, we will have to have some sort of WPA after the war, just to take care of the army of people who during the emergency showed thems6lves in some fashion or other to be in the "cull" section of humanity. It was Pope who wrote that the proper study of mankind, is man. In times of emergency the weak human plainly shows his weaknesses, and the strong human, his strength. And the worst of it is that when so many more or less worthless people are replaced by more desirable ones, they will scream to high heaven that they have been mistreated, refusing to see that Biblical injunction to the effect that "what ye sow, that shall ye likewise re?p.". ***

The Law of Compensation is sometimes seen in war as plainly as the rising sun. For instance, the Third British fnfantry Division, which was the last to leave Dunkirk in 1940, was the first to land in France on D-Day, 1944. *d<*

Much talk about the "indispensable man." One speaker said there never was such a thing. Oh, friend! I'll have to take issue with you there ! There awere TWO, as a matter of fact, in this world's history; ADAM and NOAH. Stop and think for a minute about the truth of that statement. Where would we be without those two?

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