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(Continued from Page 40) game and are making a fine success of their jobs.
An interesting thing at Mendocino is a house built from the first Redwood log sawn at the Mendocino plant, which was in 1851, seventy-five years ago. It was cut at the original Mendocino plant by Harry Meigs, who went into Mendocino Bay with a party of prospectors and traders, and a small sawmill equipment. .The house still stands, in a good state of preservation.
All of these men, in San Francisco and at the mills, are devoting themselves to building the name and fame of The Union Lumber Company. .And so well have they built that the name has come to mean much in the Redwood world in terms of integrity, conservatism, dependability, and general worthiness. And so it will undoubtedly be forat least a generation to come.