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Helping Paul Bunyan at WeStWood '
Here are five of the boys who are helping Paul Bunyan turn out the great quantity of Pine lumber and panels, at Westwood, for the Red River Lumber Company.
The gentleman on the left is J.'D. Lowe, Superintendent of the Veneer Plant, and also present president of the Westwood Hoo Hoo Club. Next is R. S. Pershing, Assistant Sales Manager. FIe is Vicegerent Snark of the Westwood District Hoo Hoo, past Secretary of the Club, and
Lumberwedding At Fillmore
Miss Elsie Reeder, daughter of C. F. Reeder of Ventura, was married, on October 1Sth, toMr. Ber:t Roderick. The bride was formerly employed by the People's Lumber Company at Fillmore, where Mr. Roderick is assistant manager.
has the distinction of being related to th,e great General. Th'en isMr. Walter Luff, Plxnl Superintendent. He was President of the Hoo Hoo Club last year, and is also Chief of the Westwood Fire Detriartment. Vt. W. B. Paughead is next, Director of Publicity for the Red River Lumber Company and manager of the beautiful theater at Westwood. J. A. (Jack) Shere is at the end of the line. He is Superintendent of the Printing Department at Westwood, and is Secretary of the Hoo Hoo Club.
Lumber Trade Protests
West Coast Bureau Challenges Literary Digest LONGVIEW, Wash., Oct. 7.-The west'coast lumber trade extension bureau of which J. D. Tennant of this city is president, has wired a protest to the editors of Literary Digest for alleged disparagement of frame buildings r in picture captions in the October 2 issue. The telegram to the editofs of the magazine follows:
"The caption: 'What happened to frame buildings in Miami,' is not in line with facts quoted in the same..story by the Digest from the New York World on September 22, also the building at the left in your picture belies the caption. Our engineer on the ground making a careful study of the Florida damagQ reportg to us the same as early press dispatches that well-built frame construction survived'successfully and most of the damage was due to poor construction. It was most unfortunate that the Literary Digest, with millions of readers living in frame construction, should give the public an entirely wrong impression. If the caption stated that poor construction rvas the fault, it would have been in line with available facts and of benefit to everybody."
No reply to,the telegram has yet been received.
The Benefits Of The National Waste Prevention Contest
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4.-"Waste Prevention Contests have now been conducted long enough to prove conclusively that it is a joint enterprise where employer and employee benefit in many ways," says an announcement by the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association.
"While the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association has paid a total of $6,500 to individual prize winners in previous contests, the actual monetary return to these winners has been greatly in excess of that amount. Such increased returns have been made possible by the extensive publicity given the prize winning devices each year, their subsequent adoption by progressive lumber manufacturers, and the royalties received as the inventors of patented devices.
In a $250'000 House
What floors uould you expect?
When a man can afford to U"iid f"r himself a quarter of a million dollar homc, he ".r" "fiord the best type of floor available.
David:Haney, a prominent realtor of Beverly Hills, Calfornia, knows values. F{e called in the leading local lumber dealcrs and had them des-ign and install the most perfect oak foor ever laid.
Naturally they used "Perfection" Brand Oak Floor- ing. For many years they have specialized on this brand of oak flooring, having found it best suited to th" typ. of clicntele; they sefve.

Yet ttPerfectiont' costs no more thana number of othet brands. Anyone may enjoy its lustrous bcauty and texture. Therets a sizc and.grade of "Ferfecdon" Brand Oak Flooring for every type of structure new or old. For full information, wrirc today.
Arkansas Oak Flooring Company