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Your Source of S.rpply is Here on the (oast
CI|OV will find thal the E! Rey line of Asphdt Roofiings meets - f ^V competition-in completcness,in quantityand in'price. Th.', '/ are produced by a company that has becn operating here on the C.oast for morc than 2t yarc-with a plant opoity tlnt meets eveqT requirement of the \U(Iestern territory. The linc indudcs!t Rcy Smooth.curfaed and Sanded Roof,4gr, ftom the lightest to the heaviest and finest grades.
El Rey Slate Roof,ng, the highest quality ptoduced oa tne coest. Your choice of four colors-Red, Blue Black, Venctian Red and Green. EI Rey Shingles in colors.
Complete line of coatings and roofing materials. $(lrite us for parti. culars and price quotations.
Roofing Plant Busy
With the executivrdivision of the Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing Company irow occupying their new administration building, and the output of asphalt roofing and paper products ptepped up to capacity, this million dollar plant is already in the midst of their winter rush of orders, according to N. T . Brinker, director of sales.
An idea of the increase was given by Brinker when he pointed to a'truck and trailer just pulling out with a load of roofing and paper for the harbor.
{lThere goes abottt 20 tons on that load," said Brinker. ,"Beiore we install'ed our vapor circulator to keep our steam drying drums-follin( at capacity speed, We could., turn out onlf about 24 tons,'a day, jrlst a little tnore than'you see ).oril,ijtrat toaa.

.r. '1Notw we turn out enough in the same time to fill that $,ruck and trailen,,,twic'el.,a1inosf .as full.,as,, it tS:now." ,'ii',The load indicated ruas a siN-wheel ,truck and six-rvheel ti'ailer piled as 6*h wilh. rolls of asphalt"rbqflrrg and build,ihg paper as the.diiver iould m.ale it 'ivith safcty, and then h'e did considerable foping before he startbd for'the harbor. i'f "The present layout ofout plant is the culmination of '2$- years' steady growth;r' continued Brinker. "For. many y'b-ars we specialized on the manufacture of high grade rag f,61ts. As demand increased for prepared roofing and shingles'we began to experiment and finally evolved a line of felt-base asphalt treated roofing and shingles with variogs ,sirrface finishes ihat have.met with widespread popularity alnong leading contractors and build,ers, under thi designation, El Rey asphalt products.
.,"As demand increas'ed we ddded more eqdipment to incredse our output, until today we have one of the finest plants in the country. We guarantee our roofing to rvithstand all w,eather conditions from 10 to 20 years, according to the number of plys used, providing the job is done ac- cording to our specifications. We also keep the roofs in condition during the period of the guarantee.
"Since the menace of dry rot and boring ants to wood structures d,oes not afi,ect asphalt products our demand has naturally grown rapidly, until now we are shipping regularly to Hawaii and the Orient as well as to many local districts."
"Jimmie" Cline Furnishes Good . Hoo Hoo Meeting
The October 2lst meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club was poorly attended, but was one of the best meetings in months and the backsliders missed something.
Mr. Jimmie Cline of E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, was: announc'ed as chairman, and arranged the meeting, but was'unable to attend on account o{ illness, and President I3yrne handled the gavel for him.
Mr. Bill Spaulding, football coach at the Southern Branch University of California, made a very interesting twenty-minute talk on football matters. Mr. Spaulding possesses a keen wit, and he had the boys doubled up most of the time with his tales of amusing things that have happened on the field,
The balance of the meeting was consumed in discussing proposed Golf Tournament and Concatenation, at Ventura or Santa Barbara.
Manufacturers Tomeet At Cincinnati
Manufacturers of small dimension stock in hard and'soft rvoods rvill meet at Cincinnati on November 10th for the l)urpose of organizing an association.