4 minute read
Peninsula Lumber Company Buys Ten Moore Dry Kilns
Contract for ten nen' dry kilns has just been placed by Peninsula Lumber Company of Portland,, Ore., with Moore Dry Kiln Company, NorthPortland.Thekilns will be 11x104 feet and are of \[oore's Recirculating Progressive type with graduated heating system.The recirculating conduits ar'e a recent Moore improvement which speed up the circulation and it is said produces better balance of temperature and humidity. The buil{ing,rwlll [e.,constructed of hollow tile and concrete and *ill"'hgie Mcirire's Asbestos Protected Metal Doors. r,vhich will rrpke,thein.*t near fireproof as it is possible to build t it,"..rli-:.:1..
C. W. Stimson, Seattle lurnberman, has offered a ptize of $250O for an all-wood home design which will best present the possibilities of woods native to the Pacific Northwest. Mr. Stimson has offered the prize through the West Coast Lumber Tracle Extension Buieau. It will be awarded in a nation-wide contest which will begin next January and close July l, 1927.
"oF couRsE"
Please enter our sribscription to your journal. This is the latest yard of the Tilden line and OF COURSE wE WANT YOUR JOURNAL ON OUR DESK. Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Santa Cruz. J. H. RoPer.
A "Weenie" Roast, Dancing, Swimming and a lot of other fun was enjoyed by sixty of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company employees on the night of October 14th at the beach home of Mr. John Olson, Los Angeles manager.
The Lumber Department, about forty strong, acted as host to the men and vi'omen'from the Steamship Department.
Ganahl Circtes Country
Mr. L.'A. Ganahl, President of the Ganahl Lumber Company, Santa Barbara, reached home on October 20th, alter a very interesting two months' tour of the entire United States.
He left home on August 21st and in the two months drove atotal of fourteen thousand miles, touching every state in the Union.
H. G. Wells defends advertising, rvhich doesn't need defense, saying that the twelve Apostles were "drummers' advertising salvation, and St. Paul raising his presses and big type ade advertising efficient. the that
You may go still far\her back. The rainbow.was first large sized color qdfer'tisement, guaranteeing the earth would no rowned again by flood.
Caesar, writing the lls of Rome the proceedthe first political adver- ings of the Sena prepa tisement.
King u'rote on his tomb. "I etc., p red an excellent personal advertisement.
To advertise m,eans to INFORM, and information is life.-Arthur Brisbane.

(Thc ClcarJng Hourc)
Thie Column of "'Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for:
The F'ellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
"\Me offer partnership to hustling lumberman who can help build up business against average competi- tion. Present partner wants to withdraw account other interests. Will require up to $8OOO. Yard located in 17,000 city, ?O miles from San Francisco, five other yards. Plenty of trade territory. Have machi4ery." Box A-201, care Calif. Lumber Merchant.
I 1-1-tf a retail lumber yard, or an interest in one, g successful experienced lurnber and mill " Box 4-200, care Calif, Lumber Merchant.
"\Mant to buy up to $25,000, by man 37 vears old.
Secretary Openfor Position
Yortng wotnan, well versed in general secretarial q'€rk, and with considerable lumbei experience, seeks position in Southern California. Highelt type of references. Address Box F-106, care Californii Lumber Merchant.
100 heavy five-foot loading trucks. Practically as good as new. Cost 93.00 each, sell for 91.00 each. SUli LUIvIBER COMPANY, BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA.
Of The California Lumber Mcrchant, publiahed Scmi.monthly at Los Angeles, Cal., for Oct. I, 1926. State of 'California I Eli'i'ti'.r-r.iJ'iicelcs. l tt'

Beforc me, a Notary Public in and for thc 9tate and county rtorc. raid, perronally appearcd Phit B. Ifart, who, having been duly rwora according to law, deDoses and sayr thet hc ia tbc MaaagigA Editot of The California Lumber Merchant, and that the Iollo*'ing is, to the bert of his knowlcdge end belief. r truc ltrtemcnt of thc owncrrbiD, Eanagcment (aad if a deily papcr, thc circulrtion), etc., of tbc rfosa. said publication for thc dati ihown in the ebovc qaDtion rcquircd by the Act of Autugt A, 1912, cmbodicd in lection 411-. Postal I:ws and Rcgulations, piiutcd on thc rcverlc of this form, to wit:
1. That thc nimes and addrcrcer of thc oublishar. editor. manrdu cditor, and burinegs managers are: Publishcr. J. C. Dionne. 318 Centrgl Bldg., Los Anseles; Editol, J. C. Dionnc, 3i8-Ceatral Bldg., Los An- gcles; Manag'log Editor. Phil B. Hart.3l8 Ccntrel Bldg., Lba AnScler; Business Manager. Phil B. Hart. 318 Central Bldc.. Ias Anseles.
2. That the 'owner ir: (If'owncd by a co-r6oretion. -its namc rod eddress must bc rtated and alao irnmidiatcly -thcreundcr thc lemcs and addrcrscs of rtockholder: owning or holdiirr onc Der cent or nore of total emount of stock. If not owned by a -coroor:ation. thc nemca and addrcrcer of the individual owneru mus't be ciien. If'oraed bv e 6rm, compuy, or other unincorporated conccrnr its neme and addris:. as wcll el.thoee of erch indlvidual member, muct be givcn.)
J. C. Dioane.3l8 Central Blds.. Ias Anqeles. _ll. That thc known bondholdcrr, morlgageer, end othcr recurity holdcrs owniag or holding I Dcr cent-or mor-eif t6tal amoult of bondi. mortgages, or otber securitiea arc: (If there are none, so rtatc.) Nonc.
4. Thrt thc two paragrephr ncxt above, grving thc aamci of thc owncrs, stockboldcrr, and security holdcrs. if ani, contain aot oaly thc list of 3tockholdcrs and security holders as thdy aoocar upon th-e books of the company but also, iir cases r-hcrc ihc'itoclch<ilder or lccurity holdcr a,ppears upon _the books of the company a! trurtca or in any othcr fiduciary relation, the name of thc oercon or oorDon. tion for whom such trustee is acting, is givcn; alro-that the said tto paragrapbs contain rtatcmentr cmbrCcing effiant'g full knowlcdre rad belief as to thc circumstanccs and coadifionc undcr which stockf,oldcn and recurity holdcrs who do not appcar upon thc books of the conDart as trustccs, hold rtock and sccurities in a capacity other thaa that-of i bona 6de owner; and this affiant hag no reasoa to-belicve that any othcr perron, association, or corporation has any interclt direct or indircct in thc said stock. bmds, or other securities'than al so stated bv him.
5. That the avaagc auraber of copicr of ccch irguc of thir oubll. cation sold or diatributcd, through tbc oreilr or othcrrirc. to- orid subscribers during thc six months prcccdinl the detc ohowa'rboi lr (This information is required frora daily publicatiour ontl.) sworn ro and subscribed before me ,nL"rtl*"e"f;ft*s;Ilanaeins Editor' TSEAL] FREDA R. PAULSON. (l\fy commission expires Aug. f8, 1930.)
We have a first class efficient box factory of 60,000 daily- capacity, located in Northern Califoinia, ;hi;t we offer for sale. Good supply of raw materiai in im_ mediate vi-cinity. _ Will give full particulars upon re_ quest. Address Box A-127, care California Lumber Merchant.