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Self-hardening SHAPER STEEL
If you make your own spindle shaper knives we can supply ou with hieh-erade self- you high-grade selfhardening shaper eteel from our large stock carried in our Los Angelee Service Station. Barg furnished in widths frorn /2 inch to 4 inch and in lengths as l:ng as 30 inch. Mill-Rolled Bevel, uniform width. Place your order here for quick service.
l8 "Hilkes"-Count Them-l8
Eiehteen Hilke Lumber Pilers in use by one mill ! Eighteen "H-ilkes" piling up lumber and bringing down costs ! That's the number used by the Seattle Cedar Lumber Mfg. Company at its Ballard mill, Seattle. This mill piles its lumber in 60-foot piles-I0 feet below the runways, 50 feet above. Uses the "Hilke," also, for flat stack on dry-kiln cars. Better learn how the Hilke Piler will reduce yard costs f or you. A word will bring catalog.