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Hansen Lumber ComDanv
One of the newer yards of the state is the Hansen Lum- lrne y"ra on three sides, and with the enclosure paved, all ber Company,'a modern retail establishment at Fontana. over. --- ---- - -
Completed ju;t a few month,s ago, the entire_ yard is built They handle almost everything in the Building Material along modern lines, and the business is conducted in the line, and are doing a nice busineis. same manner. And they are advertisers. The insert in the picture is a - The picture shorvs a part,of the front of their main build- reproduction of the slogan and picture that t^hey use on in-g, housing_ the ofhces and p.art of the storage warehouse. prlctically everything Ihat they have printed. "bog on" 1'he yard is built on a court plan, the buildings surrounding tlood Lumber. -
Southern-HARDWOODS-Southern Oak Flooring and Maple Flooring 1109 First National Bank Building Telephone Douglac 9117
California Reprerentative
The Mossman Lumber Co. and De Soto Handwood Flooring Co. Memphir, Tenn.
Dirtributing lgents for ClarL-Nickeraon Lunrbcr Co., Evcrett, Waeh. Dcrnprcy Lumber Co, Tacorna, Waeh. Dcfiancc Lunbcr Co, Tecoma, lVerh. Baruct Lumbcr Co, Vrncouvcr, B. C. \f,fhitncy Co., Garibaldi, Orc. Littlc Rivcr Redwood Co, Hunboldt Bay.
909 Porter Building
If She Had She Would Probably Have Re$retted It
Lucy, the Cook, $ras paying her direct respects to her four-year-old son who had been in continual mischief and whose trouble-making abilities had finallyworn out the patience of his black Mammy.
"Le' me tell you somethin', Chile, you suttinly is gettin' mean an' no-count powerful fa'st. Ah gits so mad at you
Klamath Timber Sold
Sale of 200,000,000 feet of virgin Pine timber to the Pelican Bay Lumber Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., was announced recently. The timber is located near the Klamath Indian reservation. and the deal is estimated to involve about $1,200,000.
The Western White Cedar Co., Marshfield, Ore., has just purchased 40 million feet' of Port Orford Cedar timber from the Stout Lumber Co. The transactfon is said to represent a sum in excess of $1,500,000. The timber is one of the largest and finest stands of that wood in the world.
someti could jes' take a ole strap an' plumb weah you out. in' scared you'se gwine to be as triflin' an' yore triflin', good-fo-nuthin' Paw. All yore Paw ev was jes' hang 'round an' give me plenty t Ah'rn you de truf, Chile, Ah certainly am glad nevah marry dat triflin' niggah".
r. M. H. McCall has succeeded A. W. Donovan as sales madager at thelJnion Lumber Company's Los Angeles offices.

Mr. McCall was formerly connected with the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association.
The box factory at Westwood, Red River Lumber Company, shipped an odd order just recently to Australia.
A carload of. S/4-inch Clear \rertical Grain Dry Sugar Pine, of assorted widths, and cut to lengths 19-20 inch and 2l inch, was forrvarded to the foreign country, to be made into piano keys.
Los Angeles Representative for Puget Sound Saw Mills & Shingle Co. Wallace-Ballord Lumber Co.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturcrr of C-alifonia White and Sugar Plne Lumber ifillr at Snranvillc and Hilt, CaL 160,(X)O,(X)O Fcct Annud Cepecity
A new series of pattems for you to use in creating profiable busin6s.
5 in. and 7 in. in round edge, square edge and bevel edge patternr.
Practically as thiclT as 74" siilkg at liltle more than cost of /g".
The bevel edge patlern especially gives a ilif erei and very pleasing efect.