3 minute read
How Lumber Looks
Ilowlas Fir Cargo. The California martet has shown practicdly no chang- during tte part two weeks; the demand lontinuce ralfier tight with pricea firm" Prices are being firnly maintained by the millr. Vertical grain upperr con' tinue'vcry rcarce at tfie milb with pricee a trife strongcq. The milh have adopt'ed a new curtailment program which callr for an additional curtailment for tte balance of the year: mills that are working one shift will mrke a further curtatlment oft 2Wo, while millr working two rhiftr will mrke a 4@o redrurclion in production. The new curtailmgnt n1o' gram wbich har been generally adopted by the millr of- the Northwe* ic effective at once' and will start next week at Grayr Harbor. Cargo receipts at San Pedro have been-light during the past two weeka. 32 vesaels are laid up, and five vesels are operating on off rhore businees.
DoWlae Fir Rail. The market rhows no ciange with priccs it the millr holding firm" Mixed car orders are still Lard to buy and vertical grain f,ooring continues to be a very ecarce itern" The Middle \ilert demand for mixed cart con' tinuer etrong.
Shingles are e trife stronger. Lath-pric9t are Steady-. Red;ood. For the week end'ing October 20, the Red' wood Aasociation relortr: Orders received, 7r74O M feli Shipments, 9rl08 M feet; Production, 5'061 M feet. The mills report plenty of common cutting orders. Prices are nrm. wilh th; California businesr up to expectations- Octo' ber busineer is running ahead of September, and stochr at the mills are about normal.
Accompanies Bakersfield Rotarians To Bishop
Everett King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield, and prominent Rotarian in the San Joaquin Valley, was a member of the Bakersfield delegation of Rotarians who recently visited Bishop where they assisted in the organization of a Rotary Club.
Bruce Burlingame, Los Angeles, representative for the Santa Fe Lumber Co. in the Southern California and Arizona territories, has been wearing .a big smile the past week, the occasion being the arrival of a nine-pound baby girl. IIe states that Mrs. Burlingame and the new arrival are progresslng ntcely.
H. B. Oakleaf, manager of the Northwest Blower Kiln Company, Portland, was a recent visitor to San Francisco.
Califorrria White and Sugar Pine. Common boerdr in both white and rugar pine are becoming very rcarce. Shop and upperr are very firm. California retailerr report an in' creare in businers durittg the part two weekr.
The total softwood lumber movement for the frtct 42 weekr of 1928, the report of the National Lumbei Manu' facturere .Asrociation, under date of October 26, ehow-r: Productiron, 11184611'68 M feet; Shipments, 12,4551866 M feet; Orden,121826,682 M feet.
According to tfie report, the figures for the \ileet Coart Lumberrnentr Arsociation millr for thir rame period are at follows: Production, 613481237 M feet; Shipments, 5r58lr549 M feet; Orderc, 5,669'811 M feet.
For the millc of the California White and Swar Pine Arsociation, the report rhows for this period: Production, 1r109,9?3 M feetiShipmentq 1,143,331 M feet; Ordera' 1,ll4,l92 M fe€t.
The Southern Pine Acrociation mills report for the frrct42 weeks of the year: Prod'uction, 2,9OOr772 M feet; Shipments, 311581670 M feet; Orderr, 31180'426 M feet.
In the hardwood branch of the industry, tte report stetet that for tte week ending October 2O, both rhipments and orderr were considerably ahead of production. The totd hardwood movement for the first 42 weekc of 1928' the report shorvr: Prodirction, 211061304 M feet; Shipment!' 2,215,073 M feet; Orders, 2'268,583 M feet.
Nee1d A Little Stimulant From Time To Time
You may place the Mt. Shasta Lumber Company on your list of subscribers and advise us what the damage will be for the year. The writer was on your mailing list at Menlo Park for several years and since we have taken to the higher altitude need a little stimulant from time to time.
to,illti?sta Lumber co., Mt. Shasta, California.
Ed Culnan Visits Sajn Francisco
Ed. Culnan, sales manager of the Chas' R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles,- was a visitor at the San Francisco offices of the c6mpany, October 15 and 16.
KENNETH welxun-racrpnoM wEsrwooD
Kenneth R. Walker of the Red River Lumber Company' Los Angeles, has returned from a short trip to the Company's hladquarters at Westwood, Cal.
timber, exeellence of manufac. ture, science in kiln drvtg and seasoniog have established a preference for C.C. & C.C. trademarked Old Growth Douglas Fir ...lifted it above priee competition ...made it possible for the dealer to sell lumber at a profit just the same as any other comrnodity that is sold on a qualrty, instead of a price, basis.
nn lt's utorth thc Difl:erence"