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Orange County Lumbermen's Club Hold Annual Ladies'Night Dinner
H. A. Lake Elected President
. A, C. Bozaers Retiring President
At the annual meeting of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club, held at the Hacienda Country Club, Friday evening, October 26, H, A. Lake, Garden Grove Lumber Co., Garden Grove, was elected president. Glenn Merrill, Patten & Davies Lumber, Anaheim, was elected vice president and Wesley Pearson, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Santa Ana, was elected treasurer. The following directors were elected; Jack Collins, Brown & Dauser Lumber Co., Brea;
H. A. Lake, Garden Grove Lumber Co.. Garden Grove: O. H. Barr, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana; Lester Isbell, Newport Beach Lumber Co., Newport Beach; Arnolden Earl, San Pedro Lumber Co., Whittier; and Glenn Merrill, Patten & Davies Lumber Co., Anaheim. The board of directors will elect the club secretary at an early date.
The following were appointed to serve on the Ladies' Comrnittee: Frank Gibbs, Gibbs Lumber Co., Anaheim; Henry Adams, Adams-Bower Lumber Co., Anaheim; O. H. Barr, Santa Ana; and E. Steffensen, Secretary of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club.
President A. C. Bowers presided over the business session of the meeting. Over one hundred sat down to dinner, which included the members of the club, together with their wives and guests. Following the dinner, tfie Collins Twins of Anaheim sang several pleasing numbers.
-Dr. Moriarty, professor of economics at the University of Southern California and educational director of the Loi {ngeles Advertising Club, was the speaker of the evening. His subject was "Turning the Spotlight on the Home]' which dealt with the development of the professional attitude in business. He urged the lumbermen to become professional advisers in their business, so that home builders would look to them for expert information.
Kenneth Smith, Secretary of the Lumber Dealers Association of Los Angeles, and H. A. Lake, the newly elected president, spoke on Cooperation.
Paul Hallingby, President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, extended an invitation to all the lumbermen to attend the annual convention to be held at San Francisco on November 15, 16 and 17.
A golf tournament was held during the afternoon in which the following contestants played: Bill Wright, C_harlie Chapman, Charlie Lyons, Al Muel-ler, Earry Westover, Glenn Fogelman, Verne Whitson, R. Zinn, Frank Yordy, L. B. Eyer, E. Steffensen, W. B. Wickersham, Bill Vanderwood, Max Landram, H. B. Van Dien, Stanley_CleT, ,W. A. Sampson, Herman Rosenberg, John Olson, Ed. Culnan and Ed. Martin.
The winners in the golf tournament were as follows: first low gross, golf club donated by Schumacher Wall Board 9orp., A. Mueller, San Gabriel Valley Lumber Co.; second low gross, box of golf balls donaied by the California Door Co., H. B. Van Dien, Van Dien-young Co., Santa Ana; third.low g-ross, golf club donated by-the Hipolito Company, P. Steffensen, secretary, Orange County iumb_e_rmen's _Club; first.low net, the Secrelary,s Cup, Bill Wright, Smith Lumber Co., Anaheim; second low net, box golf balls donated by the California Portland Cemeni Co., Charlie Chapman, C. H. Chapman Lumber Co., Santa 4na; third low net, box golf balli donated by the Fioneer P-"p.t Co., fnc., L. B. Eyer, California Door Co.; first high score, hardwood nut bowl donated bv the Hammond Lumber Co., Verne Whitson, Whitson Lu-mber Co.. Santa Ana; second high score, W. B. Wickersham-, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. Walter McDonough, Hammond Lumber Co., acted as starter at the tournament.