2 minute read
Electric Hand Saw
The saw you take to the lqmber instead of the lumber to the saw.
Built in sizes for alt classeE of work whece a Poft. able hand lnw can be used.
Operates from ordinary hght socket. Veight 1O to 26 lbs.
The lOJb. saw ided for cutting veneer.
Why not investigate the many places you cirn use a SKILSAW in your business?
Syntron motodess electriq hammenB for concf,ete drilling and chipping. For erecting machinery and temodeling jobs.
Electric Drills All Sizes
Tools Sold - Rented Repaired
3O8 East Thild Street Los Angeles
MUtual 7508
Superintendent to take full charge of planing mill in Santa Barbara"
We will consider only t[ose applicants who have demonstrated their ability by actual past performance. Applicant must be able to prove that he har goften and held trade by hir knowl,edge of tte buri. necl, rervice to custom€rs and their friendrhip for him.
Give full particulars of trrining, past experience, age, condition of health and reference* Repliel confidential if requested. Sdary and portion of profitr.
Wholesale Salesman Wanted
Experienced wholesale lumber salesman, preferably familiar with the cargo business, for work in the San Francisco Bay District. Address Box C-226,. care California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted To Buy Working Interest
Young man, age 34, married; thoroughly familiar with all phases of lumber business from stump to retailing. Expert accountant and office manager, purchasihg agent and extensive export experience. Will buy interest in financially sound, money-making business which will stand the strictest investigation. Box C-225 Care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position As Working Yard Manager
Former owner of sash and door company. Nearly ten years local experience in lumber, sash and door office detail. Married, 32 years old and can furnish excellent references. Would like permanent position as working- manager in lumber yard in Southern California. Address Box C-228 care California Lumber Merchant.
Sorahern-HARDWOODS-Southera Oak Flooring and Maple Flooring
1109 Fint National Bank Building
Telephone Doughr 9117
A trade-mark, more than be:ng simply a mark of identification and pride in a product, is the manufacturer's pledge that by careful manufacture the commodity pledges maximum service to the user. That is the meaning of the Long-Bell trade-mark on lumber, representing as it does the long experience, skill and high standards of a nationally known organization. Aggress;ve dealers are using this trade-mark and its meaning as an effective talking point, the more easily to sell good lumber at fair profitsl
R. A. Long Bldg - Lumberlnen since 1875 l(ansas Citv'jMo. Douglre Fir Lumber, Timbers, Dor and Window Frmes, Trimpak; Western Hem- lck Lumber; Westem Red Cedu Siding md Shingles; Southern Pine Lumber and Timbers; Southern Hardwood Luber and Timbers; Oak Floring, xCELLized Oak Flwing Strips, *CELLized Oak Flor PImks, *CELLized Oak Floor Blocks; Califomia White Pine Lumber, S*h and Dmrs, Box Shoks; Cresoted Lumber, Timbers, Pcts, Poles, Ties, Guard-Rail Posts, Piling.