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YiS Sash Door and Mill Workers Millwork Institute to Hold Fifth Annual Meeting at San Francisco, November 22nd and 23td
The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Millwork Institute of California will occur at San Francisco, on Thursday and Friday, November 22 and 23, 1928, in the Hotel Whitcomb. The sessions will be held in the Roof Garden of the hotel.
On the day preceding the general meeting, Wednesday, November 2I,lhe Board of Directors will meet in an important all-day session to pass upon details of the Certification Plan, approve the Standards for 'rArchitectural Woodwork," set up a budget and dispose of the routine Board business.
There will be an election 'of Directors from among which the new Board will elect officers for the ensuing year.
President J. A. Hart of the San Francisco grottp has named five special committees which are already busy with arrangements for the meeting. Their personnel follows:
General ArrangementsJ. A. Hart, Chairman; Will Goddard, Vice-Chairman.
Entertainment-G. L. Wayne, Chairman; Ralph Button, George Gerken, Robt. Leishman.
The twentieth semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen will be held at Portland, Oregon, on November 19.
HotelHenry Harder, Chairman; Andrew Downing, C. E. Reinhart, Gus Wagner.
Banquet-Chas. Monsbn, Chairman; K. Tikeli, Albin Warden, J. O'Brien.
Reception-Fred Spencer, Chairman; R. Crothers, J. G. Kennedy, J. H. Kruse.
Refreshments-Elmer Anderson, Chairman; E. J. Nutting, Chas. McFarland, Frank Portman.
Both President Frlart and Director General Goddard wish it distinctly understood that the San Francisco organization wants every millman in California, whether member or non-member, present at the meeting. They are after an attendance record and every member is urged to get busy now on rounding up delegates.
The big California-Stanford Football game takes place on Saturday, November 24, the day following our meeting. Hotels are bound to be over-crowded, hence the thing for you to do, is to make your reservations at once. Eithir write to the hotel direct, or list your wants with Mr. Harder or Mr. Goddard, Room 302, 1179 Market St., San Francisco.
P. L.
Heron Bay District Visitor
P. I.. Heron, Pickering Lumber Co., Standard, spent his vacation in the San Francisco Bay district, returning to Standard early in October.