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with the Sash Door and Mill Workers The New Dor Vent
Hotel and office rooms and even kitchens are often dif- in the new style of construction. Other disadvantages ficult to ventilate properly without transoms, which re- are the necessity for special hardware and difficulty of quire more ceiling height than most builders care to devote operation. The problem of ventilation, however, may easily be overcome by means of a new style of door, with a ventilating aperture embodied in the upper panel and shown in the accompanying illustrations. The new Dor Vent will be manufactured by the Red River Lumber Co. in white and sugar pine and may be ordered either with sblid or glazed ventilating panel. The advantages for the new product are set forth by the company as follows:
"Our doors. are of a most artistic proportion, following correct architectural lines and have no attachments foreign to the appearance of a regular door. When the Dor Vent is closed it is flush with door panels and has the appearance of a panel. It has no unsightly transom hardware or none of the dirt-catching slats of the louvre.
"The principle of ventilation is correct because the Dor Vent unit is near the ceiling where foul air can pass out or fresh air in. The ventilating area is unobstructed by slats which affords much more efficient ventilation than a larger obstructed area. The Dor Vent hinges open or close the tilting panel by finger tip effort which is a decided improvement over squeaking, jamming transom lifts. The Dor Vent door is delivered to the contractor complete with the ventilating unit ready to use. The door is finished on the job which eliminates the possibility of a mis-matched finish appearance. With the ventilating unit closed, the Dor Vent offets the same resistance to sound as the door without ventilating unit. A man or even a child cannot crawl through the ventilating o,pening and the hinges cannot be forced.
"The Dor Vent hinges cost less than the transom hardware, the casings, jambs and labor required to install same. The soace saved bv the elimination of a transom reprejents a l2r/z per cent saving in cost usually required for wall materials for the space.
The Pacific Door & Sash Company, Los Angeles, have recently worked out a color scheme for their entire fleet of trucks. The trucks, thirty in number, will all be painted orange and black.