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McCloud River Lumber Co. Will Open L. A. Office ''/
The McCloud River Lumber Company announce that they will open a sales office in Los Angeles on the first of lanuary, 1929.
This office will be in charge of L. S. Turnbull, who is now assistant sales manager at San Francisco, and who has been with the company for the past six years.
Fletcher & Frambes, Los Angeles, who have been Southern California representatives for The McCloud River Lumber Co. for some years, are giving up the account, and will devote partieular atteu_tion to the sale of Masonite for which they are agents in this territory.
Southern California Lumbermen to Play Golf Nov. 9
Max Landram, chairman of the golf committee of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club, announces that the next golf tournament will be held at the Riviera Countrv Club. Los Angeles, on Friday afternoon, November 9. A1l lumbermen are invited to participate in the tournament. Mr. Landram has appointed the following to serve on the golf committee for the coming year: Handicaps and Starting, W. R. Vanderwood; Prizes, Roy Stanton; Publicity, Ed. Martin; Secretary-Treasurer, Mel Coe.
Following the golf tournament, there will be a dinner and entertainment in the evening at the Riviera Country Club when the prizes will be awarded. Send in your reservations to Mel Coe, 460 ll5th Place, Los Angeles.
Our Specialties
Vcrtical Grain Flooring
Vertical or Mixed Grain Finbh
Vertical Grain Stcpping
Thick V. G. Clear K. D. Factory StocL Vertical Grain Shop
AII made lrom the linest ol OLD GROWTH DOUGLAS FIR of soft texture, dried in strictly modern dry kilnr
Itrillr: Ra5rmond, Washington Willapa Lumber Co.
Salec Ofrcc: Gasco Bldg., Portland, Orc.
Drive saf,ely this winter! Be the absolute master of your car on the slippery, rainswept streets and pawements!
You can if you will drive into any one of the five conveniently located Motor Tires, Inc. stores and let us equip your car with GOODYEAR ALL.WEATHER TREAD CORD TIRES in either the Hi-Pressure or Balloon tyP,e.
The big, sharp, diamond-shaped blocks of the All-Weather Tread will take sure hold and afford maximum resistance to sideslip and skidding.
Coodyear Rubber Tire Chains, too!
Age is a quality of mind. If you've left your drearns behind, If hope is cold, If you no longer look ahead, If you ambition's fires are dead, Then you are old!
But-if from Life you take the best, If in life you keep the zest, If love you hold; No matter how the years go by, No matter how the birthdays fly, You are not old!.
(By Edward Tuck, European Banker, age 85.)
There is hardly anything in this world that some men cannot make a little worse, and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only are this man's lawful prey.-Ruskin.
Reduced Rates
A Scotchman wishing to know his fate at once, telegraphed a proposal of marriage to the lady of his choice. The answer did not come until late that evening, and then was in the affirmative.
"ff f were you I'd think twice before marrying a girl who kept me waiting all day," said a friend.
"Na, Na," said the Scot, "The lass who waits for the night rates is the lass for me."
Your Best Asset
To constantly increase your circle of acquaintance among people whose acquaintance is desirable-to develop your acquaintance with these people into friendship throirgh the warmth of brotherly love and a spirit of helpfulness, is both a duty which pays big dividends, and a pleasure that rounds out the happiness and matures the development of a man.
Prevent Nose Bleed
A correspondent wrote the country editor for a cure for nose bleed. "To prevent nose bleed," the editor replied, "keep it out of other people's business."

Builders Dreams
The architects dream, they are dreamers of dreams, And the builders make dreams come true, And from steel and stone and from clay and sand They fashion the world anew; But whether they work with marble or sod, The builders are hand in hand with God.
They go to the forest for oak and fine, The stuff for the humbler homeq And the mountains render their granite gifts For the statelier spires and domes; But whether they work with marble or sod, The builders are hand in hand with God.
They rear huge piles that pierce the shy, And the ships that master the sea; They bridge the rivers with spans of steel In a service for you and me; But whether they work in marble or sod, The builders are hand in hand with God.
The dreamers dream and the builders build, And the work of the world goes on; And the work of the dreamer and builder stays, When the dreamer and builder are gone; But whether they work in marble or sod, The builders are hand in hand with God.
-Author Unknown.
Nitrogen has taken the most important position in the affairs of the world and is by far the most active in the world markets. Every square mile of air over the earth's surface carries 20,000,000 tons of nitrogen, enough in each square mile to last the world twelve years at the present rate of consumption. It is absolutely indispensable to mankind in peace or war, and a necessity to all animal and vegetable growth.
And Likes Close Games
"That old Scotchman has become a great baseball fan.
"Does he go to the game often?"
"Every time there's a double-header."
-The Insuliter.