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Santa Fe Lumber Co. to Sell Creo Dipt Shingles in
Northern California
Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, announce their appointment as exclusive representatives in Northern California for Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles. In maf<ing this announcement they wish to stress the fact that all sales of these nationally advertised stained shingles will be made through lumber dealers, there being no exceptions to.this rule.
P. A. Dame, 'Western Sales Manager of Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., was in San Francisco recently for the purpose of completing this arrangement rvith the Santa Fe Lumber Co., told a representative of this paper that there is a steady increase in the popularity of stained shingles in California and Arizona, both for roofs and sidewalls, and that they are being used quite extensively in remodeling jobs, over frame and stucco sidewalls.
"The outstanding quality of Creo-Dipt, the original stained shingle, backed by aggressive advertising and selling, has made them one of the most profitable items the lumber dealer sells," said Mr. Dame.
Chester Hogue Talks
To Douglas Fir Club
Chester Ffogue, West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, was the principal speaker at the regular weekly meeting of the Douglas Fir Club, held at the Commercial Club, San Francisco, Oetober 16. Mr. Hogue left the same evgning for Fresno to attend the Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference.
_ Ed Culnan, sales manager of the Chas, R, McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was a guest of the club. President J. Walter Kelly presided at the meeting.
Pine Associations Decide on Uniform Grading Rules
Decision to have one set of grading rules to cover the western pine producing territory tvas an important forward step taken by the directors of the California White and Sugar Pine Association at their meeting held October 19, at the offices of the association in San Francisco, according to C..Stowell Smith, secretary-manager. The chief inspec-tors of the California White and Sugar Pine Association and the 'Western Pine Manufacturers' Association will get together and find out what differences there are in the rules, and recommend changes necessary to bring them into absolute conformity.
A definite policy with regard to moisture content specification was also developed at this meeting.
The attendance was as follows: J. M.-White, Long-Bell nmber Co.. president: B. W. Lakin. McCloud River Lum- Lumber Co., president; Lakin, ber Co.: F.. B. Hutchens- Frrrit Growers' Srrnnlw Co-: 'W'- ber Co.; F. Hutchens. Fruit Growers' Supply Co.; W. G. Kahman, McCloud River Lumber Co.; Jamei Danaher Jr., Michigan-California Lumber Co.; B. W. Adams, Fruit Growers' Supply Co.; Jas. H. Owen, Owen-Oregon Lumber Co.; Ward A. Dwight, Dwight Lumber Co.; p. D. Terwilliger, Clover Valley Lumber Co.; Frederic P-almer (proxy for J. P. Hemphill), Madera Sugar Pine Co.; J. W. Rodgers, (proxy for R. D" Baker), Lassen Lumber & Box Co., and C. Stowell Smith,'secretary manager.
J. A. Privett, Assistant Manager of E. K. Wood Lumber Company, T os Angeles, has.returned from a two weeks'trip in the Northwest, where he was visiting the mills.
For We&uer Deal,ers end Roofers
ond the dealer or rooler who is making the biggest prolits in any community is the man who is glving his customers greatest value per dollar. Ollnto every WEAVER product, whether it be shingles, roll roofing or insulation lelts and building papers,there is woven the greatest strength and the most vivid beauty that skilled engineers and craftsmen can produce. \9 That's why reroofing time brings Wnawn dealers nsrea"*d proportions of profits with every passing year.
Wfitt fat d.etoil,s