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The ostrich is a queer bird.
Hipolito Co. Distributors for
Birds Creo Dipt Shingles in So. California and Arizona
When it has stuck its head in the sand and obscured its own vision, it assumes that its entire body is out of sight. In other words, the ostrich believes that what it cannot see is likewise invisible to others.
There are a lot of business ostriches in this worldmen who pull all kinds of tricky deals and trades and who are guilty constantly of sharp business practices. Like the ostrich of the desert these men give no credit to others for either intelligence or common sense.
Sooner or later men just as wise as themselves get wise to them and they beeome numbered among the business outcasts. This is the age of square dealing in business and the fair and square trader is bound to win out.
The Hipolito Company, Los Angeles, the well known manufactulers of window screens and screen doors, announce that they are acting as wholesale distributors of the Creo Dipt Stained Shingles for Southern Galifornia and the Arizona territory. T-he Creo Dipt Company head offices are at North Tonawanda, New York, and they operate plants at North Tonowanda, Kansas City and Vancouvlr, B. C.
The Hipolito Company are now carrying a stock of Creo Dipt Stained Shingles at their Los Angeles _walehouse and for the present will handle the stained shingles through their regular sales force.
P. A. Dame, Western Sales Manager of Creo Dipt Co., Inc., is a Los Angeles visitor where he is conferring with Messrs. Herman and Leo Rosenberg of the Hipolito Company. Mr. Dame will be in Southern California for about six weeks.
Roy Stanton Gives Favorable Report on Eastern Conditions Redwood Movies Shown at Mountain View
Roy Stanton, President of E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, has recently returned from an extensive trip to the leading eastern cities and states that he was favorably impressed with the conditions of the lumber industry. ir-r th,at iection of the country. Mr. Stanton says that while the volume is nothing unusual, the dealers are getting good prices and are well satisfied with the present situation.