1 minute read
McGormtels treated lumber solves the white antproblern
AnCHffpCTS and experienced builders specifr treated lumber which comes in contact with the soil. Llnderpinning and sills creosoted under pressure the McCormick way solve the homebuilder's white ant problem.
The McCormick treating plant at St. Helens, Oregon, is thoroughlyequipped to take care of any creosoting requirement. For the past 16 yeans, this modern plant has been at work de- veloping and improving methods of creosoti.g lumber and timbers as a means of giving them added life.
I*t this plant help you solve the white ant problem. It is a part of McCormick ssrvisga complete service from forest to you.
Besides cargo shipments, we have connections with transcontinental roads for fast tail shipments to dl points in Califoinia.