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Random Editorial Ramblings
(Continued frorq Page 6.)
Frank Fish, secretary and mentor of the National Hafdwood Association, made one statement at Memphis recently that every lumber manufacturer should have in big black letters before his desk. He said that controlling production is only temporary makeshift; that no matter how much you curtail, unless you do something to promote the use of your product, consumption will drop to meet the production level. There isn't a truer word in Scripture than that. Without the stimulating influences of trade extension activities, lumber consumption will continually decrease. And yet to the average lumber manufacturer this most vital thought is lightly considered-if at all. But this is certain; you might reduce your production by half, and keep it there, and you'll wake up some fine morning
Herman Rosenberg A Los Angeles Visitor
Herman Rosenberg, Hipolito Company, is back at his desk at the company's Los Angeles office. He plans to remain in Los Angeles about two months. Mr. Rosenberg has been making his headquarters at Detroit, Michigan, where he has been looking after the company's eastern business.
Homer Maris Visits Los Angeles
Homer Maris, Ifomer B. Maris Panel Co., San Fran- to find that consumption has dropped to your production level. THERE SHOULD BE A DEFINITE SALES EFFoRT BEHTND TITY
Keep the boy in you alive ! Let that thought be the source of a definite effort every day. Don't let yourself get. crabbed. Don't get sour. .Don't be too busy to do a lot of smiling. Don't get so deep in the rut of business chasing, or money making, that you quit getting fun out of the world-and quit putting fun INTO the world. Keep that boy in your heart and mind ALIVE. Because when the boy in you dies, Mistei, /ou'rs D-E-A-D, Dead. They may postpone the obsequies for a time, but when you let that boy inside of you pass away-you're through.
Max Cook, Farmstead Engineer, in charge of the agri- cultural department of the California Redwood Assoiiation, left San Francisco October 19 to conduct C. P. Winslow, director of the Forest Products Laboratorv of Madison, Wis. oh a five-day tour through the Redw6od region, which included a visit to a number of the mills.
cisco, was a recent Los Angeles visitor. During his stay / VALLE,Y LUMBER CO. BUYS NIXON YARD in the Southern metropolis, he called on some of his y' 11te Valley Lumber Company of Lodi has purchased the lumbermen friends. yard of the Nixon Lumber -Co. at Lockeford.
MacDonald &Harrington
AoPro Soles Fearurest
Tables with the Wabaeh Folding Leaf Equiprnent rhat ie eirnple in conetructionr positive in action and durable, tell easieh Made for anytype of extension table. No ttcontraptionatt The aimplett--and the bett. Uee Wabash Slidee toor....with or without equalizera. RealQualityl Smoother Actiont
Exclurivc Northcrn Celifornie Rcprcrentativcr
C. D. Johnson Lumber Co.
Toledo, Oregon wAlAstr l{tNct! FoR FOLDlxq LEAf wRrTE FOR. OETATLS
Straight or Mixed Cart of Old Groy*h
Yellow Fir and Sitka Spruce
Specializing in Finish and Worfted Uppers