3 minute read
Comnander Byrdts radio communication depends upon Brugess Battedes, protected by PAUL BUNYAN'S SUGAR PINE.
Maximum dependability under exffeme climatic conditions and rough handling.
'What is the best material, regardless of cost?
Sugar Pine.
Ffow can we gd it on time?
Virc Red River.
The Red River Lumbcr Co. Auguct 29, 1928. 36O North Michigan Ave., Chicago.
Attcntion Mr. H. V. Scott
PAUL BUNYAN SAYS rtff we run into any mountai.. ot ice-bergs the Commnnder cantt fly ovet, I'll take Babe, my blue ox, and drag them to one cida'
You will be intereeted to tnow that your Sugar Pine war ured by uC in nating battery boxes for Commander Byrd'r Aatarctic Expedition.
The dry batteriec are to be used for the powet rupply of five small tadio trancmittcn in planeq oo dog dedr and at basec and intermediate rtationr. A light weigfit but very rtrong bor matecial was therefore trec6*rry. Becaurc of rlect and rnow conditionr a lumber that would not werp' twist or chrinl wat !equired. The low temperature demanded good dernal inruIation.
Tbe Foreat Productg Laboratoriec suggested the ure of Sugar Pine, which we have found to be rplendidly worlable and well ruited to our purposeq
\Ve sre glad to have found a matcrial with tftere propectiec a-d we ap. preciate your iooperation in hurrrying it to us, ro that the rhipment of battecier iould leave vith the expedition on gcheduled tine.
Very truly yourq BURGESS BATTERY COMPANY, (Siened) By V. B. SCHULTB, Secret ry.
"Producers of White Pine for Over Half a Canlury"
Lumbermen and Millmen of Industries to Meet to Organize Los Angeles District Meet For Termite Investigation
At the dinner and meeting of the Lumber Dealers Association of Los Angeles, held at the Elite Cafe, on Tuesday evening, October 23, nearly two hundred lumbermen and millmen were in attendance.

Guy Cuzner, Kerckhoff Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co., acted as toastmaster. Among the speakers who addressed the meeting were: Dudley Chandler, who spoke on the Credit Situation; E. R. Maule, who talked on Central Estimating; and Kenneth Smith, who discussed Association Activities. James Crlzner, pioneer lumberman and tle only living lumberman of the original three yards in Los Angeles, gave an enjoyable talk on his reminiscences of the lumber business in the earlv davs.
W. P. Frambes, Fletcher & Frambes, Los Angeles, has returned from a two weeks' business trip in the east where he conferred with officials of the Masonite Corporation at Chicago. He also visited the Maconite operations at Laurel, Mississippi, whefe he made an inspection of their plant. Fletcher & Frambes are the Southern California distributors for the Masonite Corporation
Kahn Returns
P. R. Kahn, manager of Forsyth & Co., hardwood dealers, San Francisco, recently returned from a trip to the South and Middle West, occupying six weeks, during which he visited a great many hardwood mills in all the important hardwood m_anufacturing centers in the southern and middle western territory.
The Termite Investigations Committee announces that a dinner meeting will be held at the Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles, on Thursday, November 8, for the purpose of organizing a Southern California group, the Northern California territory being now well organized.
This meeting will be attended by representatives of power, telegraph and telephone companies, officers of the Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference, lumber dealers and others interested in the scientific investigation of the termite situation.
Ray Anderson Visits California
Ray Anderson, General Plywood Company, Seattle, is a Los Angeles visitor on company business matters where he is conferring with officials of the California Panel & Veneer Co., their Southern California representative. Before coming to Los Angeles, he spent a few days in San Francisco. where he was a visitor at the offices of thc H. B. Maris Panel Co.. their Northern California distributors.
N. M. Baker, Manager of the Western Plywood Products Company's plant at Martinez, Calif., has been transferred to the sales department of the Company's San Francisco office, which constitutes a fine advancement for him.
F. M. Binnon, assistant manager of the Red River Lumber Company's plant at Westwood, has been given the managership of the Martinez concern.
The season is no\ Z at hand and will continue for six months or more, when uDS€a,soned lumber will be wetter than usual.
No builder has ever