1 minute read
Now! all the beauty of Philippine Hardwood in Laminex Doors
T{HE same trouble-proof construction, the same warp-prooffeatutes, I the same ardstrlt in craftsmanship that has distinguished the Laminex softwood door, may now be had in beautiful Philippine hardwood.
Philippine hardwood, generally known asP- hilippine. mahogany, is one of^ the finest cabinet woods in the world. These big trees produce lumber thar is wide, beautiful and straight. These qualities make it particularly adapted to Laminex construction, and when qo".t.r-r":*ed for vinicafgrain stiles and rails, shows a pronounced ribbon-figure.
Although Iaminex Philippine dogrs rival the finest hardwood doors, the-y are surprisingly ieasonable in price-well within the means of ihose building a modest home. They are used extensively in commercial buildings, hotels and apanments.
Your door sales will be "pepped uP" by featuring Iaminex Philippine hardwood doors, andie?ting your customefs' contntctors and ,lthit..ts know that you can supply their needs.