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Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club Meet
President Jo Shepard made an earnest appeal to all lumbermen, members and non-members alike to attend the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association to be held at San Francisco, November 15, 16 and 17, in his opening remarks at the regular monthly meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, held at the Hotel Senator, Sacramento. October 20.
The president outlined a number of the important subjects which are to be discussed at the convention, and on a motion by I. E. Brink, Diamond Match Co., appointed a representative committee to meet and discuss these various subjects, and select a spokesman who will be the special representative of the club at the state convention. ^ Mr. Shepa_rd introduced S. J. Hauge, secretary of the Sacramento Lumbermen's Credlit Burelu.
Short talks on lumber conditions were given by I. E. lrink, The Diamond Match Co., C. G. Corkran, Owen9regotlumber Co., H. C. Clark, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.; P. T, no{e, Auburn Lumber Co.; E. S. McBride, Davis Lumber Co., and C. A. Minard, Cutter Mill & Lumber Co.
C. D. LeMaster ulged the members to give him the fullest-cooperation. T-his-, he-said, would g;' a long way towards solving many of their problems.
It was anhounced that the attendance prize, which has peel qgclmulating will be g3! at next meeting, whicn *ifi be held December 15, the November meetin[ being can_ oelled to allow members to attend the state cdnventi-on.
_ The attendance included the following: E. S. McBride, Davis Lumber Co., Davis; J. B. H'azeltoln, Harefton I_uml P.tt 9g', pr[nd: J. 4r Holmes, woodland r-u-l.r Co., Woodland ; E. T. Robie. Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn j ! p.n{n\, Diamond Match Co., Chico; J. H: St.p"rai Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento; O. H. trt'iifer, l{.nox Lumber Co., Sacramehto; C. G. Corkran, Owen_Ore_ gon Lumter_Co., Sacramento; W. B. Dearborn, Loomis Lumber Co., Loomis i IJ: A: _Pejley, Friend A f"iry i"r"- ber Co., Sacramento; H. M. Isenhower, HotmeriEureka ! umber Co., Sacramento; H. M. Derr, J.'M. Derr Lumber Co., Elk_Grove; C. H.{errill, Hill &-Morton, Inc., Sacramen_to; F. N. Bentoh, The Diamond Match Co., Sacramen_ t"; _8.. C. Clark, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Saciamenio; C. A Minard, Culter Mill & Lumber Co., Saeramento; S. i. lla-uge,_Slcnamento Lumbermen's Credit Bureau; .fu. fr. B_aker, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento; i. D. Le_ Master, The Axiom, and W. T. Black, The California-Lumber Merchant.
We cater
The Priceless Ingredient-Good Will
Who can over-estimate the value of Good Will?
And who is there on earth to whom good will is worth more than to the Lumber Merchant?
It is the firm and sure rock upon which can be built a business structure of which it might be truthfully said: "And the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."
Consider it !
ff a retail lumberman has so deported. himself and impressed himself upon his community that his towr\speople love him as a neighbof, respect him as a citizen, appreciate him asla skillful merch4nt of building things; if they are impressed with his business wisdom, and believe firmly in his business integrity; in their minds he is the fellow they instinctively thin& of when they think BUILDING; then who on earth caq get this man's business away from him?
No one, of 'course.
Then, undoubtedly, the building of good will should be the biggest part of the business of the Lurnber Merchant. He must sell himself, his business, hisrintegrity, his usefulness, with every sale from a two by four to a hotel-to those whom he would serve, and when he has done so they witl be delighted to have him sqrve them.
A man who has a thousand friends, a thousand people who believe in him andltrust him, has a thousand people to whorn he can sell to better advantage tharq anyone else.
Government Official Finishes Inspection Of Arizona Pine
B M-. Davis, of the Section of Specifications and Grades of the Forest Products Laboratorv at Madison 'W'iscnnsin Madison, Wisconsin. or rne Jtorest rroducts Laboratory at Madrson, wisconsin, has finished an extensivg study of-Arizona Pine. He chose the mill of the Arizona Lumber & Timber Company at Me Flagstaff, At'iz., as Mexico tvoe of Pir ur Lrrc ^rtzurr.i. Lurrluer oa rlmDer \-ompany t, Afiz., as representative of the Arizona-l{ew type Pinus Ponderosa.
That was the close of 26 weeks of field work in the west. coverhrg the_Northwes! the lnland Empire, California, and Arizona-New Mexilo. The project involved an intensive study of boards- as to knots and other defects. in both kiln dried and air dried stock, and will be used in'determining standardization of grades.