2 minute read
Something More
When you purchase lath and lumber At a modern building store, You will get the things you ask for And a little something more. Not alone the cold transaction Is the modern dealer's aim, Thru each contract flows a something Which no one can really name.
Well-pleased customers will tell you Of his shingles, shakes, and nails, They'll assure you that his service Is the kind which seldom fails. With delight they sing the praises Of the sunny building store, Where the merchant sells his products With a little something more.
It may be a word of greeting, Or a warm and pleasant smile, It may be the moments taken Just to sit and chat a while; It may be advice well given, Or the "good bye" at the door, But you feel the golden presence Of that little something more.
Now, it means no special effort. Costs no money, brings no pain, But the customer who feels it Will be glad to come again; With delight he'll tell his neighbors Of the friendly, human store, Where you get the things you'ask for And that little something more.
Adeline M.
Members of the Central California Lumbermen's Club went on record as being in favor of segregation of all grades of common lumber, at their monthly meeting held in Stockton. October 13.
Charles G. Bird brought up for discussion the subject of dealer distribution, and this matter will be the principal subject to be discussed at the next meeting of the club on November 10. '
Arizona Lumberman Running For Office
Ed T. McGonigle, pioneer lumberrnan of Flagstafi, Arizona, is at present candidate for the Arizona Legislature from that district. He started in the lumber business at Flagstaff in 1888, and operated mills at that pc int and Riordan for manv vears.
Robert I. Koch has resigned his position as outside superintendent for the Arizona Lumber & Timber Company, at Flagstaff, Arizona, and moved to Phoenix, where he has entered the commission lumber busirress under the firm name of Rotrerd I. Koch & Company. He has offices in the Security Building.
Years ago he was in the commission lumber business at Phoenix in partnership with Jack Johnson.
Beautify These Hornes
-T'Uf, texture and pattern of "Perfection" Brand Oak I Flooring make possible a finish that is seldom found on any other flooring. You can depend upon "Perfection." In modern ptants operated by skilled lumbermen, only the finest oak is selected. After proper seasoning and kiln-drying, it is perfectly milled and matched so that it lays smooth and itays smooth. It is graded and handled so carefully that upon arrival anywhere, it is always in perfect condition. Leading lumber dealers gladly feature this nationally advertised brand.
Brand Oak Flooring
"Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring, Blocks and Plankr, may be obtained chemically treated by lhe.*CELLizing proce9s,
There's a size and gradc for eztery structure, nevl or old. Write today for full particulars.