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Harry Stockird Will Welcome Pacific Coast BuildingOfficials Retailers at Hotel
Harry Stockird, known to Valley lumbermen as the former host of the Hotels Fresno and Californian, invites lumbermen to make the Plaza Hotel, San Francisco, their stamping ground rvhen attending the convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, November 15, 1.6 and 17.
The Plaza Hotel is situated on lJnion Square, just one block from convention headquarters.
Mr. Stockird, by reason of his location at Fresno for a number of years, is probably better known to lumbermen and lumber salesmen than any other hotel man in California.
Investment Banker Purchases Coos Bay Lumber Co.
Outright purchase of Coos Bay Lumber Company by Pierce, Fair and Company, San Francisco investment bank€rs, for a cash price of $6,375,700, was completed Oct. 22.
News of the acquisition by.Pierce, Fair and Co. of control of the lumber company from the five trustees appointed following default of the Pacific States Lumber Company bonds in April last year was hailed with great satisfaction by former bondholders.
The company owns approximately 6,500,000,00O feet of timber, and with its logging operations, mills, railroads, steamship lines and distributing yards comprises a complete lumber operation.
MacDonald & Harrington Make Important Announcement
MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, well-known rvholesalers of lumber and box shooks, announce that they have been appointed representatives for Northern California of C. D. Johnson Lumber Co., Toledo, Oregon, for rail shipments of straight or mixed cars of Old Growth Yellow Fir and Sitka Spruce, specializing in Finish and worked uppers.
C. D. Johnson Lumber Company's stock is recognized as being second to none for grade and manufacture.
Hold Annual at Fresno
Walter Putnam, Building Inspector at Pasadena, was re-elected president, H. E. Plummer, Chief Inspector of Buildings, Portland, Ore., was elected vice-president, and J. E. Mackie was re-elected secretary-treasurer at the seventh annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference held at Hotel Fresno, Fresno, October 16 to 19.
All the sessions were well attended, and were marked by the earnest manner in which Uniform Building Code matters were discussed, and the strict attention paid to the many interesting papers which were read.
Secretary J. E. Mackie, reported that a total of 31 cities had now adopted the Pacific Ooast Uniform Buildirng Code.
A. C. Horner, manager of the Western Division of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association read a paper on "Burning Out Tests," which was prepared by S. H. Ingberg of the U. S. Bureau of Standards.
Chester J. Hogue, technical expert of the West Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association, gave an address on the subject of "Lumber Grades and Corresponding Stress Values."
Prof. S. F. Light, University of California, spoke on "Termite Control Survey."
Arthur Bevan, secretary-manager of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle; Reuben W. Smith, National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, San Francisco; Earl Bowe, National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Los Angeles, and Wm. D. Smith, National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Portland, also attended the meeting.
All the visitors were taken on a sight-seeing tour on Friday, which included visits to the plant of the Sugar Pine Lumber Co. at Pinedale, and plant No. 4 of the SunMaid Raisin Co.
Bert Neylan Visits Northwest
J. R. (Bert) Neylan, sales agent for the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company at San Frahcisco, returned October 13 from a visit to the company's headquarters at Eugene, Ore., the sawmills at Springfield and Wendling, and the sales office at Portland.
Mr. Neylan left San Francisco October 5 and arrived in Eugene in time to attend the football game between Stanford and University of Oregon.