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Hoo Hoo News
President J. p. (Ted) Higgins presided at the regular meeting of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club held ai the Palace Hotel, October 11,
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club
rL was vv. tI.. unamDerlrn lJav. took charge of the meeting, calii of calling on several of those p_les_el1t for short talks. These included Harry Gaetjen, W. M. Beebe. H. I. DeVries. Eddie Tietien. Rrsiell Gheen
It was W. Chamberlin Day, and Eddie Peggs who
9.J!., H. J. DeVries, Tietjen, Russell Gheen, H. J. McPhee and G. W. Fraser.
Russell Gheen told members about the success of the recent golf tournament. Eddie Tietjen entertained the gathering with a vivid description oi some of the new football plays being developed -by Stanford. G. W. Fraser described the Hoo Hoo picnic as the most successful that had been held in recent years, and proved it by figures.
_ H. J: McPhee, manager of the American' Stivedorine Co., talked on the new San Francisco lumber terminaf which h_e_ hoped will be completed inside of a year from now. Work on the rebuilding of the l6th Street dock which will be used as the terminal, is expected to start soon, he said.
.C. C. Stibich-provided the musical part of the program with a couple of numbers on the Diano.-
Paul Overend Back From Los Angeles
Paql Overend, field representative of the California Re- tail Lumbermen's Association, returned to San Francisco October ?-O f.rom a trip to Los Angeles. Ffe also attended the annual meeting of the Pacific eoast Building Officials; Lonlerence at -trresno.
. T!. Los A-ngeles IIoo Hoo Club held their regular luncheon on Thursday, October 18, at the CommJrcial Club, Los Angeles. President Harry Hanson presided. Short talks were made by Ken Smith,-John Truyens, Clifi Estes and Luren Foster.
Max Landram, the new chairman of the golf committee. announced that the next tournament will be held at the Riviera Country Club, November 9.
The next luncheon will be held on Thursday, November 1. _Clitr lferd, assistant football coach at thl University of Southern California, will be the speaker of the day.
Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton, is back at his desk after a trip to Kansas City, Mo., where he at- tjnded a- -meeting of the Hoo Hoo Supreme Nine on October 20, 2l and 22. Mr. Bird is Custocatian on the Supreme Nine. He states that the Supreme Nine will hold their next meeting at Chicago during the month of December.
Peninsula Hoo Hoo Club Meet
The Peninsula Hoo Hoo and Lumbermen's Club met at Palo Alto on Monday evening, October 29. Dr. Walter Morrill was the speaker, his subject being ,,Mussolini and the New Fascistic State." Dr. Morrill foimerly resided in Italy, where he was instructor of English to the Italian Army.