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Will Furnish Straight Grades of Common to California
Consideration of the proposal of a large number of California lumber dealers to purchase straight grades of common lumber, and further discussion and recommendation of moisture content specifications were the principal features of the special meeting of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association held at Tacoma, October 12.
After considerable discussion of the subiect of mixed grades of common lumber in the Californii market, Col. W. B. Greeley, secretary-manager of the association, was instructed to notifv the various California associations that Northwest milis will furnish straight grades of common, based on American Lumber Standards.
The following recommendations on specified moisture content to be made to the Central Committee on Lumber Standards were adopted:
Specifications fdr Seasoned Lumber
1. Clears (Select) Lumber-Shall be seasoned to an average moisture content of. 12 per cent or less. This includes all grades and items of clears known as "shed stock" of the following sizes and lengths:
Up to and including 2 inches in thickness.
Up to and including 12 inches in width.
Up to and including 20 feet in length. In larger sizes and/or lengths the degree of seasoning or moisture content shall be agreed upon between buyer and seller.
2. Industrial and Factory LumberThis includes clears and shop lumber used' in fabricating plants, sash and door factories, etc. The items under this class unless sold on special contract for seasoning take the same specifications (No. 1) as for clear lumber.
3. Common Lumber-Seasoned common lumber mav be obtained if desired, but the degree of seasoning shali be agreed.upon between buyer and seller. When condition of seasoning is not specified, it is at the option of the shipper.
Measurements Of Size
1. American Standard sizes apply to the stock in the condition of seasoning as sold and shipped. Any change in size due to a change in moisture Content can not be considered a claim for off size.
1. fn case of complaint regarding seasoning, if the grading rules provide a moisture confent or if t-he moisture content has been agreed upon by buyer or seller, the buyer is required to hold entire shipment intact for rernspectron,
2. The complainant buyer shall properly stock from the elements and make claim to five days from receipt of shipment. protect the seller within
3. The average mdisture content of the shipment will be determined from twenty samples selected by the inspector as representative of the shipment.
4. Determination of moisture content will be by the use of approved methods for determining moisture content.
Winfield Scott, director of public relations, National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, has iust returned to his San Francisco headquarters from a speaking tour which included points in Northern California, Oregon and Washlngton.