4 minute read
Possibilities of The Store on Lumber and Woodwork Main Street
The downtown or retail lumber store featuring building service, house maintenance and manufacturers display is rapidly becoming one of the present day mercantile institutions. Of couise, the same kind of display establishment may not answer for each community and there would have to be local adaptations but. in any place of eight.to ten thousand people, it is being demonstrated that the lumber store can be made a paying proposition' Women are becoming the leading pui.hasE.t- "ttd tto longer desire.to walk upon 6ack streetJ or through some outlying portion of a city or town in order to see rvhat they want in the forest products line and make a selection. Life is too short in these days of convenience and economy; the lumber store appeals ltrongly to women, whether single or married.
Wood can be fashioned, shaped, carved and moulded into so many beautiful objects and household conveniences that it is really a wonderful material. The store furnishes service for those who wish to plan a home, erect a summer cottage, an outside kitchen, a garage, a hen house, a verandah, a dog kennel, a pergola, a fence, an arbor, etc', as well as any built-in features.
The McDonald Lumber Stores, of Minneapolis, have been established for twenty-seven years and their slogan "one piece or a carload" is known by builders everywhere. Lately the McDonald Co. have added a certified guarantee which means that everything bought in their store is exactly as represented to the customer and is guaranteed by bond. Recently the firm sent out a sample circular which would arouse interest in any home. On the front page is shown attractive dwellings, spacious lawns and beautiful trees. The announcement was to the efiect that the recipient was cordially invited to visit and make use of the retail store. Continuing, the notice said: "It will be worth your while to drop in and get acquainted-a retail lumber store has something for men and women of ail ages."
"Perhaps you have a workshop in the basement and need a little lumber. The house may need repairing-an extra room in the basement or attic, storm sash to fix, etc.
"Just take a moment and read this folder-maybe we have just the items you are looking for.
"A pleasure to be of service-would consider it a favor to have you telephone us for an estimate-better yetcome in and see just how useful a retail lumber store can be to you."
Just imagine how timely and acceptable would the following suggestions, on the second page, be to the average householder and particularly the lady of the home if she received a nicely illustrated'publication in the spring of the year. The statements therein are well worth reproducing and here they are under the catchy caption of "House Repair Service for Home Olvners."
Re-Roofing-Application of hew roofs over old, of cedar shingles, asphalt or asbestos shingles by expert workmen. Surveys and estimates made on request. Terms if desired.
Insulations-All form of insulation installed at a blanket price for the com,pleted work. 'We recommend the type of insulation best suited to the particular case for the greatest efficiencv. Terms if desired.
Cracked Walls and Ceilings-May be attractively renewed without the muss of plastering by the use of fibre boards and gypsum boards. We work out the necessary panel designs. Terms if desired.
Exterior Walls-An astonishing change for the better in the exterior of an old house is made by the application of colored shingles over old siding or over old cracked and. discolored stucco. It "dresses up" a house just as a fine new suit of clothes dreses up a man and provides much additional protection in cold and hot weather.
An Extra Room-In basement or attic is easily and cheaply attained by the use of wallboards of various manufacture.
Frigidaire Refrigeration-McDonald Lumber Store is a "display dealer" for this rvonderful household necessity which does away with many of the drawbacks in iced refrigerators. The expense of upkeep being much less than ror lce.
Built in Features-We carry in stock a fine line of ironing boards, folding breakfast tables, breakfast nooks. book shelves, kitchen cupboards, telephone cabinets, boy's carpenter benches, unfinished furniture.
Porches-We make up and install glazed-in porches and screened porches.
Repairs-We call for, repair and return storm sash and screens, cut new window or door openings and install attractive casement windows and rvell designed doors.
Fences-Back yard attractiveness is much enhanced by a good looking and well built fence. One's back yard should be private and protection to flower gardens and shrubs should be supplied. We have many handsome designs which we are prepared to build at reasonable prices.
The third page of the leaflet contains a picture of the store with the announcement: "If you need any lumber for any purpose you can select just the quantity and size of piece or pieces desired from our convenient display racks and retail lumber sales floor."
On the back of the colored ticket attached to the circular, is the following: "'We are anxious to have the following s'ork done." Ffere are spaces for checking whatever is required. The text continues: "You may send a competent mah to advise how and to give us estimates. We want the job done at once or not later than-. Come in and see the useful and worth while items."
The last page illustrates a section of the retail lumber sales floor. with reference to the McDonald service in planning a home, building a garage, etc., and last, but not least, is an appeal to the house owner who rejoices in a well kept lawn.
It is also stated that now is the time to stari - gifts and the store will furnish material cut to pattern, knocked down and unfinished. Among these items on display on the sales floor which adults and children are invited to inspect are-arbors ($15), bird houses ; dog houses ($10.50) ; play houses; lawn seats; trellises ($1.10 and up) ; swings ($1a) ; sand boxes $7 with sand) ; teeters ($10); toboggan slides; rvork benches $7.50; shoot-thechutes ($23)' etc'
(From The canada Lumbermen).