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San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club Meet at Fresno
The San Toaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club met at the Hotel Californian, Fresno, Saturday, October 13. The meeting was called to order by President F. Dean Prescott at 10:3O a.m.
President Prescott made a report on the Merced meeting which was held at Merced on April 14, at rvhich time the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, Central California Lumbermen's Club, and the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, were guests of the Yosemite Portland Cement Co. Mr. Prescott reported on the activities of the cement committee up to date, also on the meeting held at Oakland on October 12. bv the Material Dealers Association of Oakland.
Treasurer Ben Maisler made his fourth financial report and the same was ordered, accepted and placed on file.
J. C. Ferger, chairman of the entertainment committee for the dav, notified the members and visitors that the Club would have a dinner dance in the ball room in the evening and that tickets could be obtained for the same from the Secretary.
H. M. fsenhower, Hugh lfalderman, and Fred Burgess all spoke on the condition of the redwood market at the present time. They all ag'reed that the volume of sales over the whole territorv \4'as verv satisfactorv. The also stated that the mills were running five days of the *eek with a few of them running a night shift.
H. B. Chadbourne, Jerrv Stutz, and .I. C. Snead, Jr., spoke on the condition of the Douglas fir market at the present time. Thev stated that the curtailment program is still in effect at the Oregon pine mills and that business is very good with all the mills. The eastern and middle west market is good and the cargo market is picking up. Taking these factors into consideration probably a slight advance in the Oregon pine market may be expected.
B. A. Cannon of the Sugar Pine Lumber Co. spoke to the Club in regard to the soft pine market. He stated that the volume of sales this year up to date was a little more than at the same time last year and that business is very satisfactory with their mill in the valley and the east. Mr. Cannon complimented the Oregon pine manufacturers on the curtailment plan.
President Prescott introduced Frank Burnaby of the Sun Lumber Company of Beverly.Hills. He spoke on business conditions in Los Angeles and surrounding territory. He stated that business conditions at the prdsent time were much better than at this time last.year.
The Club then adjourned for lunch and the following list of guests and friends were present:
J. C. Ferger, Swastika Lumber Co.; Ben Maisler, Maisler Bros.; B. A. Cannon, Sugar Pine Lumber Co.; F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co.; F. Burnaby, Sun Lumber Co.; R. O. Deacon; E. M. lfoward, Tulare County Lbr. Co.; H. M. Isenhower, Holmes Eureka Lbr. Co.; O. H. Carter, Fresno Lumber Co.; Jerry Stutz, Coos Bay Lbr. Co.; Hugh Alderman. The Pacific Lumber Co. ; J. G. Ferguson, Shaver Lake Lumber Co.; A. J. Crow, C. S. Pierce Lumber Co.; F. W. Burgess, IJnion Lumber Co.; E. E. Schlotthauer, Tilden Mill & Lumber Co.; J. C. Snead, Jr., Wendling Nathan Co.; T. D. Northcutt, Kellner Lumber Co.; Hal Baldwin, Fresno; L. L. Ellis; A. E. Johnson, Laton Lumber Co.; W. T. Baird; W. K. Kendrick, Valley Lumber Co.; Martin Johnson; Clifford Kofoid, Redwood Mfg. Co.; Chas. L. Koffoid, Redwood Mfg. Co.; H. I\I. Kofoid, Kofoid Lbr. Co.; Virgil G. Schoeneman, Citizens Lbr. Co.; Aaron Maisler, Maisler Bros. ; Erurn Frane, Frane and Son; Ray Clotfelter, W. R. Spalding Lbr. Co. ; Chris Sornmers, Halstead Lumber Co.; M. D. Bishop, Routt Lumber Co.; L. W. Routt, Routt Lumber Co.; Geo. Kennedy, MP Sales Agency; H. C. Kofoid, Kofoid Lbr. Co.; Dan C. Desmond, MP Sales Agency; J. F. Wright Brey Wright Co.; L. L. Walker, Valley Lumber Co.; Leonard Jacobson, Maisler Bros. Lbr. Co.; C. S. Denham, Central Lumber Co.; Paul G. Galle, Western Lbr. Co.; H. B. Chadbourne, E. K. Wood Lbr. Co.; Wm. J. Crosby, Mountain Pine Sales Agency.
Following the luncheon, Frank Burnaby explained the workings of the Chicago Plan at length. At the conclusion of his talk, he answered many questions regarding the plan. His talk was of great interest to all present.
After the meeting the retailers and wholesalers had a baseball contest at Holmes Playground. The retailers were the winners, the score being 56 to 34.
A dinner dance was held in the ball room of the hotel at 7:30 p.m. One hundred and fifty attended the dinner dance and everybody reported an enjoyable time.
Arthur Hayward Gets Limit
Arthur Hayward, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas, recently spent a few days in the Gustine district hunting ducks. He returned rvith the limit.