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Vagabond Editorials
(Continued from Page 6.)
bill of lumber every day for the next month to someone who was not an active prospect for. that particular lumber, you wouldn't know the lumber industry at the end of thirty days, it would be in so much better fix. It would not only furnish employment for the needy laborers at the mills, but it would furnish a splendid example to the retail lumber industry itself. The good habit might stick.
The slight improvement that is noted in the softwood industry generally at the'present time is due to reduced production, and not to increased consumption. And reduced production means more and more men out of work or working short time, and more*and more families suffering.
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association in a recent bulletin to its members related the fact that bids on a Government order for timbers and planks at Seattle, Washington, ranged from a low bid of $f2.91 to a high bid of $23.15 F.O.B. cars. The low bid just missed being one-hdf of the high one. The bulletin dealt severely with the fact that the low bid, and most of the other very low bids, were from wholesales. The Wholesalers didn't cut the stock,
History Repeats ltself
Robert Bonner, l5-year-old son of T. A. Bonner, salesman for The Chas. Nelson Co., San Francisco, returned to San Francisco October 19 from Atlantic City, N. J., where he won the junior all-around championship in the finals of the fourth annual National Playground Miniature Aircraft tournament over a big field of boys from practically every large city in the United States. Young Bonner was sent East to represent San Francisco in the finals.
It is interesting to note that his father went East 25 years ago at the age of. 17 as a member of a track team to compete with boys from all over the country, and won his event, the broad ju-p, being the only San Francisco boy to win his event in the National competition.
though, we don't suplxtse.* Y:* mugt have doac tlat.
Two books of much interest to those who lovg trces have just been published, bott on tbc subject of the Cdifornia Redwoods, and particularly the Sequoia Gigantea of thc National Forest. Up to this time little of this characte has been written of these largest and oldest of living things. One is "Big Trees of the Giant Forest " by Col. Crcorge W. Stewart, the man wbo did EoBt to create the Sequoira National Park. The othet is "Big Trces," by Judge S/dtcr Fry and Col. John *. *T".*
One book relates tte fact that the Scquoia dics only by violence. Disease and old age has never ovcrsome ttco. It dcscribes the death of several of these great trees that were struck by lightning and destroyed- Thc boot by CoL Stewart states that when tcrribly burned by forcst 6rec the giant Redwood actrnlly rclrc,Fs its barh and builds buttresses about its roots for ttcir protection. It must bc understood that thes€ gianb of tbc Sequoia park arc far larger and older tban thc commctrid Rcdwoods of thc coast of California.
Robert H. Anderson
Robert H. Anderson, prominent retail lumberman of Og den, Utah, and one of the best known retailers of lumbcr and building materials in the 'West, died suddenly Octobcr 9.
,Mr. Anderson was a charter member of the Western Retafl Lumbermen's Association, and was a frequent speakcr a{ lumbermen's conventions. He rvas 55 years of agc. tI
\{ Th. stock of the Fresno Lumber Co., Fresno, purchascd some time ago by the Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, is being disposed of by the latter concern, and it is expected thst the yard will be closed at an early date.
Doors to meet any demand of your tradecan now be obtained under the HARBORD brand. Theseare doors that have been nationally and tntev nationally famous und er the names KAYAN-TEE, AMERICAN and DURABLE.

All of these doors are manufactured in our factories at Hoquiam, V/ashington, adjacent to the Harbord Plywood Company mills, so that HnnBoRD Prywooo is used throughout in their construction.
Mixed shipments of Harbord Kayan-tee doors, HarbordAmerican (Ideal) doors, Harbord Durable doors and Harbord plywood will be made direct from the mills or from any of our distributing warehouses. Standardize yoar Plywood srocks. Write