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Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less l'etl Your Wife This One

The crowd of married folks were sitting around talking about the married life, discussing it from all angles, how and why certain people married each other, etc'' etc'

Finally someone turned to a man in the crowd, and asked: "Mr. Jones, if you were to marry again, would you mary a blonde or a brunette?"


R. L. Reedy, sales manage-r of the-Wh-eeler Q^sg-ood-Cot' T*o*r, left San FranciscJOctober l3 after a lGday-busi- tiiri to California. While in Los Angeles he conferred rvith R. S. (Bob) Osgood, Southern California representative of the'company, and in San Francisco with Larue Woodson, Northirn- California representative'

Jones looked at his wife out of t'he cotrer of his eye, and answered:

"I'm something like the guy that Passcd his cup bacl at the boardi.g house tablc for rcdlling. The landlady asked-'Which will you have this time, coffee or tea?pand he answereF Well. if that last was tea I'll take coffcc' but if that was cofrec I'll tate tea'-"


Leo Rosenberg and Herman Rosenberg, of the Hipolit-o Company, Los angeles, recently visited the company's OakLnd office and Ipent a few days in the San Francisco Bay district. They iete accomPa"ie-d- by their wives, and before returning south attended the U-S-C--Stanford game at Palo Alto, October 25.

/-\N October rstthis Company resumed the manufacture of Port Orford L/ edar hrmber, and its Bay Point yard will alwayshavearnilablefor im-diate shiment a comPlet€ stock of that sPeciaky product port fford c*lzr is logged by trs in long lengths' enabling the prodrrction of unusual special cutting orders for which prc-P! delivery can be made from this yaid,viaour six day steamer service from Coos Bay.

Our large Oregon timber holdings contain a suficient amount of Port Orford c*Aar to assure our customers a continuous sPPly for a gr€2tt rnny years to come.

Send for our booklet of grading rules and firm prices.

,/ East Bay Hoo Hoo Club

With an attendance of close to 100 which included many visitors from a number of valley cities, East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 made a fine start for the new Hoo Hoo year at its regular monthly evening meeting held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, October 13.

President Ray B. Cox welcomed H. Sewall Morton, past president of the club, recently elected Supreme Jabberwock, and Mr. Morton in his capacity as a member of the Supreme Nine announced the appointment of Bert Bryan as Vicegerent Snark of the Golden Gate District, and of Paul Overend as State Counselor. These appointments had previously been recommended by both the San Francisco and East Bav clubs.

Larui'Woodson, chairman of the sports committee, told of the arrangements for the golf tournament to be held at the Oak Knoll Country Club, October 29.

Brief talks on behalf of the visiting delegations were given by Chas. G. Bird, Stockton, and Chas. C. Moorehead, Escalon.

President Cox then introduced the speaker of the evening, Walter Mulford, Professor of Forestry, University of California, who gave an interesting address entitled "Forest and Folks."

The president announced the appointment of the following committee chairmen: Sports and Reception, Larue Woodson; Finance, Sam Dalton; Public Affairs, B. J. Boorman; Fraternal, Chas. Lamb; Membership, Bert Bryan; Attendance, H. Sewall Morton; Entertainment, Rod Hendrickson.

Visitors from outside points included the following: Ernest Doe, Stockton; C. U. Utterback, Stockton; Jerrv Stutz, Stockton; Geo. W. Robinson, Stockton; Claud Clawson, Stockton; Chas. G. Bird, Stockton; R. L. Ustick. Modesto; F. J. Prichard, Modesto; Warren S. Titlson, Modesto; C. H. Atwood, Modesto; J. U. Gartin, Modesto; R. B. Gartin, Modesto; J. F. Johnson, Ceres; Chas. C. Moorehead, Esca. lon; A. J. Field, Escalon; T. H. Ullrey, Jr., Esc4lon; J. S, Webb, Turlock; Lester G. Sterett, Millwork Institute, Fresno; C. D. LeMaster. Sacramento, and R. L. Reedv. Ta. coma, Wash.


Martin Johnson, sales manager of Lamm Lumber Co., Modoc Point, Oregon, made a recent business trip to San Francisco.

Seattle Mill Burned

Fire destroyed the plant of the Duwamish Lumber Co., Seattle, October 12, with an estimated loss of $100,000. The sawmill had an eight-hour capacity of 50,000 feet.

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