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Improvement Shown in Trade Survey
New York, Oct. l2.-More improvement than in any re- cent month is reflected in the-October trade survJ of "Credit Monthly", publication of the National AssociJtion of Credit Men. The improvement applies to both sales anrl collections of wholesale and manufaciuring firms in the 100 cities covered.
, Seven cities reported sales brisk, sixty-six reported thern fair and twenty-seven, slow. Two cities -olrid from the "!lit' -column ,to "good" during the month, and twelve shifted from the "slow" classification to ,,fair."
^ The cities reporting brisk sales were Milwaukee, Wis., l'ampa, Fla., Austin, Tex., and Des Moines, Ottumwa. Cedar Rapids and Waterloo, Iowa.
..Three cities reported. collections good, whereas only one crty repo-rte{ gooa collections a month ago. These cities were Cedar-Rapids, Ia.; Austin, Tex., and-Huntington, W. Ye. Sixty-four other cities reported collections fa'ir, while thirty-three reported them slow. Fifteen cities repoited an improvement in collections during the month, moving from the "slow" column to "fait."
Booth'Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Buildere quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.
General Sales Office: Failing Bldg., Portland, Ore. Mills: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore.
California Officea
STOCKTON 266 Wilhoit Bldg. Gco. W. Robinron Saler Agcnt
731 Central Bldg. A. T. Show, Salcr OGcc
Edge-Holdinf Saws'
It ia juat as convenient to have the bcrt rawr in your thop a. any other kind. Ihe initial cort of SIMONDS SAWS -N-arrow_Bandr, Circularr, or the Planer Saw, ie no greater than othera of much lower quality. Then agjin, the longcr eervice and cutting qualitier make them -oniy javers fr-om any angle you may view it.