3 minute read
Devefops New Re-Roof Prospects!
Weaver-Henry Decters and Roofen and "lri Contrccton rre being arsisted nicely by thc f,nt rcasonrl rcins, which ue devcloping rcrool prorpecb aplenty---ncw cnd old ahlcc. Find thesc prospecb. With watcmrrkr rdorning their ceilings cnd with perhepr additaonal demcge elsewhere, they will cedcinly lirten to the rtory of Weever-Henry Roofing end how it affordr impenetnble protection againrt the stormicrt werther.
Incidentally the name Wecver-Henry ir artociated wiih roofing throughout the cntire Pacific Slope. Dealerr, Roofen and Conbrcton, when you talk Weaver-Henry Roofing you rrc tclking ebout r product the prorpcct knowr--e tremendour point in your fcvor. Loccte the proipect3....they're going to buy thir rearon I
(An extract from one of the greatest orations ever in the English tongue, that of Major John W. Washington & Lee University, on Robert E.
A people is its own judge. Under God no the higher judge for them to see\ or court, or supreme moments of national life, as in lives indialone.
The Southern states acted for them orthern states for themselves-Virginia for when ttre lines of battle formed, Robert Lee in the line his defense rest in this act alone. N home. Let it. Nothing can strengthen it. Nothing can compile; the casuist may patiate; the advocate may but, after all, there can be may exmay expound; tenderer tie than

My Laura's eyes are blue stars, A pcach's down seem her skin, My Laura's doth frame a kiss, A dimple flirts hcr chin. My Laura's is milkt' mghq Twin peer, cartipe bcgin, My mind is ctyetel clear, tbougbt dotb artcr ins soul is white as !aow,
The Man
There is a new industrid philosophy abroad. Tbc ncr word is: "Nothing is so valuable economtrlly as t'he matr.o The stronger, the longer-lived, thc happicr,-ftc mcc anb& that which binds the to kindred and to home. -r --- ----Etious he is, the better f6i 6antin{- Injur} and dcath uc{ rL- .---t^, ^t :-----^- ---Lr----- --^I tul A ,|^.d. q
And that tie-stretching the cradle to the grave- the fruits of ignorance, reckleEncts, and fiEad. A death spanning the heavens riveted through eternity to the throne of God on and underneath in the souls of that tie rests stainless and im- good men and mortal, the fame of Lee.
Come we then tgbay in loyal love to sanctify our mem(> ries, to purify ofr hopes, to make strong all good intent with the spirit f him, who, being dead, yet speaketh. Come, child, in thy plotless innocence; come woman' in purity; come, youth,.in thy prime; come, manhood, in thy strength; come, age, in thy fipe wisdom; come, citizen; come soldier; let us strew,, the roses and lilies of June around his tomb, for. he, lik/ them, exhaled in his life nature's bene6cence, and the fr^u" has consecrated that life, and given it to us dl. L9t us crown his tomb with the oak-the emblem of his qlrength; with the laurel-the emblem of his glory i and l{t th-se guns, whose voices he knew of old, awake the echees of the mountains, that nature herself may join in his solemn requiem.
Customer: "Are you sure this milk is fresh?"
Milkman: "Lady, half an hour ago it was grass."
"Pa, what is a parasite?"
"A parasite, my son, is one who goes through a revolving door entirely on another fellow's Push."
toll is no part of a properly managcd indusQ. It is wastcful. The saving of life ttus bacomcs an irdngtrid issrcIn more than onc Amcrican indutry it has,bd;ome a go8pel-a gospel which, defended as a sormd cdr@ic poligtcis practiced with the wholebcartedncss and'lcal of a ra ligion.-Ida M. Tarbell. :
A fire-mist and a ptanct, A crystal and a cellA jeUyfish and a sauria&
And caves whcrc thc cavc mco drtGll; Then a sense of l,aw and beautY, And a face turncd fron thc clodSome call it cYolution, And others cdl it Crod-
Tahou Ts Griatness
Mahomet is admired for having raiscd himsclf from a camel drivet to be a Pontifr, a lcgidetor, and a monarch; for having subducd Anbia which bad lcvcr bcfcc bcco subjugated; for having givco thc first shocL to tbc Rmn Empire in the east, and to tbat of tlc Pcrsians. But I admire him still more for having kept pcace in hb orn housc' among his wives.-Voltaire.