3 minute read
Simonds to Construct Windowless Saw Plant
Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 20.-Industry's first windciwless factory building, entirely without daylight and embodying radically advanced ideas for the scientific creation of ideal light and other working conditions for employees, is to be constructed by the Simonds Saw & Steel Co., Fitchburg, Mass., largest makers of saws in the world.
Plans for the novel $1,500,000 plant, said to mark the most drastic departure in industrial building in recent years, have been announced by I\{r. A. T. Simonds, president of the lOGyear-old company. Decision of the company to build at this time is based upon the confidence of officials that business recovery is near and their belief that present construction costs are favorable for immediate exDansion against future needs.
The structure will cover nearly two city blocks and will have solid walls and roof punctuated by neither u'indows nor skylights. Elaborate systems will be installed for lighting, ventilation and noise absorption through acoustical walls and ceilings and other means. The contract, placing complete responsibility for design and construction of the plant, has been awarded the Austin Co., international firm of engineers and builders, with headquarters at Cleveland, Ohio.
Plans for the plant are the result of exhaustive research accomplished with the aid of every resource of modern science, Biological and psychologi,cal studies have been made to determine the effects upon human efficiency of such factors of workshop environment as light, temperature, sounds and color. One of the many innovations resulting from
Tom Dant Returns From Northwest Trip
Tom Dant, Dant & Russell, Inc., Los Angeles, has returned from a business trip to the company's office at Portland. He also visited St. Helens, where he inspected the operations of the Fir-Tex Insulating Board Co. Dant & Russell, Inc., of Portland, Ore., are the general distributors of Fir-Tex for California and Arizona.
W. F. Sechrist has opened a retail lumber yard at Salinas, Calif., where he will carry 4 full line of lumber, building material and tnill work. IVt-arshall C. Wood will manage the yard.
these studies will be orange-colored paint for the machines, to lift their visibility and help reduce accidents. Walls and ceiling will be blue, green and white. The lighting system will be arranged to supply ultra-violet rays.
The company's aim is to surround its workmen with conditions found to be most ideallv conducive to safety and good health and tb freedom from'fatigue and nervous itrain, with consequent better production. Experiments conducted by the company have indicated that an increase in efficiency by as much as 33 per cent may result from the new methods.
Illumination of the great building, with its five acres of floor space, will be accomplished by hundreds of 1000-watt lamps. The lighting system will provide uniform light intensity, not possible in daylight factories, dependent upon the cleanliness of windows or upon changing conditions of the weather.
In order to combat distracting noises in the plant, all heavy machines and drop hammers are to rest on cork pads isolated from the remainder of the floor. All air in the building will be changed every ten minutes, fresh air en. tering the building being purified aud tempered to the proper temperature.
The Simonds Company was founded in 1832 to produce scythes. Later it started the manufacture of saws and now has eight factories and a steel mill. Production of three of the factories, one in Chicago and the others in Fitchburg, will be corlcentrated in the new plant. Construction work is.to start in the next few weeks by the Austin Co., and the plant will be ready for operations early in the spring.
San Francisco Lumbermen Visit Southern California
Andrew F. Mahoney and John C. McCabe, San Francisco, were recent Los Angeles visitors, where thev spent a few days calling on the lumber trade. They made the trip by automobile and returned to San Francisco. on October 3O.
Walter Ball Visits Los Angeles
Walter C. Ball, J. R. Hanif y Co., San Francisco, has just completed a business trip to Los ,\ngeles, where he spent a few days calling on the trade together with Wendetl Brown, their Southern California representative.
Vegtem Logging, t"qtlq a1{ Vgod-Uring Indurtry. 1930 Edition Now Ready
Coverr all rtatec Wert of the Rockier, Britich Columbia, Alarla, Philippiner and Hawaii. Indurtrier include Loggit-ts Operationr, Saw_ Mil!:, Slingl9 l!i[ilh, !(/oodwort<err, lfoo.d Preeerving Planu, Manufecrurer. of Borcr and Por. Shoolr' Croar_Atru, Sarh, Do.orr, Fratnes, Handler, Ercelsior, Veneer, Cooperage, Furniture, iitp "iJ p"p"t, t-"il"t Wtt"t"r"titr, 3:""i::' Buyen, Conpany General Storer, Company Hotels, Camp Commisrari-es, 6inp Mels oi Bo"?ditrg Horiccr .ttd C""ttty C"-iirj - - ,.-{bbey'r Register- ir not rimply a. dir-ectory of leadgqs operatioru, but licts both large and rmall; conrequently, it containr approximatcly lOo%o aorc namer than any eimilar booL publirhed, Therg are many splendid cellinE and buying oppottuniiier among thr'n"ll ani medium rized operatioru.
Abbcy'r Register rhowr qenonnel, capacity, equipme,nt, rpecier of wood sawed and all other information neccuary to cnable the rller to cclect ttrosPcctt intelligently, and buyerr to plale orderi and inquirier with an underrtanding of what the nill or"'r"jpb. {b!,cy'r, with its 728-pagec andover l0rO0O listings, naler an "open boolc" of thc vast.Weotern Lumbcr Indurtry," '
Ordcr your copy today,