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F. X. Schumacher Receives Forest Service Appointment
Francis X. Schumacher of the Division of Forestrv. University of California, has been appointed chief of t-he section of forest measurements in the Forest Service, according to announcement by R. Y. Stuart, Chief Forester, Washington, D. C. In his new capacity, Mr. Schumachet will face the knotty question of how to measure the productive capacity of the various types of forests of the United States in terms of lumber and other products. He assumed his new duties on October l.
Mr. Schumacher studied forestry at the University ol Michigan and served for a time in the Forest Service in the commissioned 1st Lieutenanty' the 148th Infantry, 37th Division, was wounded in tblYpres-Lvs drive. wai decortestsandmethods,;';:i,l?:*'"x?*i:ilff -.$Jiillff :x Published results of his investigations have *on,illm national recognition. By methods he is developfngghe Forl/st Service expects to improve its work in cogiputingfthe present and future crops of timber and forest pr'6ducts, with reasonable accuracy, for 20, q, or 100 yeaf's ahead. The work has a great deal of bearing on present forest and econolnic problems.
rJlvlslon, tlll Ypfgs-Lys drlve, was ated with Distinguish ea $crus6ttross and Belgian Croix de Guerre, and is now dptirrbf Reserves._r/Later at the University of California h/carried the stuQf offirest mensuration to the forests of'the Pacific StategJftqt;sing,;rew tests and methods of measurement and cro6'determig6tion.
/ /Westwood Hoo Hoo Club Elects Officers
At a recent meeting of the Westwood Hoo Hoo Club, Westwood, Calif., W. T. Morrison was elected president, William Klotz was elected vice-president, Jack Shere rvas re-elected secretary and Alfred Anderson was elected treasurer. Claude R. Baker, the retiring president, was nominated for Vicegerent Snark of the district, to succeed Henry F. Neunaber.
E. T. Robie, president of the Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, and vice-president of the Cali{ornia Retail Lumbermen's Association, northern district, was a visitor to San Francisco arotrnd the middle of October.
Russell Tracy, sales manager of the Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento, spent a few days in San Francisco early in October, and while there attended the St. Mary'sCalifornia football game October 11.