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Pack ForestrylFellowships of Interest to Industry
Washington, D. C., Oct. 30.-Six to eight fellowships in forestry will be granted for the year 1931-32 by the Charles Lathrop Pack Forest Education Board, which is now receiving applications, it has just been announced.
Training men for leadership in all phases of forestry, industrial and economic as well as public forestry and research, is the purpose of these fellowships in forestry which were recently initiated with eight successful candidates taking advanced training. The work of these men covers such subjects as industrial forestry, the management of forest estates, co-operative marketing of forest products, silvicultural management, and forest pathology.
The fellowships are not restricted to academic or research problems, but are available for training men in the practical problems faced by business executives in managing forest properties. The field chosen for training may 6e in the general practice of forestry, in the forest industries, in thd teaching of forestry, in forest research, or in the development of public forest policy.
The fellowships are of interest to the lumber and other forest industries, according to the Forest Education Board, n_ot only because they will strengthen advanced training in all phases of, forestry, but because they offer an oppoitu- nity to combine forestry and industrial training. - -
They can be used for example, to give foresters advanced training not only in the customary forestry subjects, but in outstanding financial and economic problems of the lumber industry as related to forest perpeluation and in more systematically applying the methods of industrial and economic research to these problems. Many of these economic problems, such as overproduction, have an important bearing on the adoption of forestry, and are moriover of immediate industrial importance.
It is hoped that the winning of a fellowship under this foundation will be recognized as a distinctive honor, and that the fellowships will stimulate forest students and professional workers of outstanding qualifications and rvill-encourage men of marked ability and aptitude for leadership to enter the profession of forestry.
The awards will be made to gifted men who demonstrate natural powers of ,intelle,ctual and personal leadership and who intend to make forestry their life work. Special empla9is will be placed on character, intellect, imagination, initiative, industry, resourcefulness, adaptability, ability to deal with men, ability to assume responsibility, ancl per- sonal interest in forestry. The fellowihips which will^ ordinarily be restricted to men of American or Canadian citizenship will range from $500 to 92500.
Applications must be submitted to the board not later than Janu-ary 15, 1931. Detailed announcements and ap- plication _forms can be obtained from Ward Sheparcl, Setretary of the Charles Lathrop Pack Forest Education Board, 1214 Sixteenth street, N. W., Washington, f). C.
Walnut Association Changes Secretaries
The American 'Walnut Manufacturers', Association announces the appointment of Burdett Green as secretarymanager. Mr. Green, who has been connected with tfre Association for the past two years in charge of trade extension work, succeeds George N. Lamb, wh'o has resigned to become general sales manager of the Flexwood dompany.