4 minute read
Electrically Operated Logging Trains in Head-on Collision
When two Westinghouse 65-ton electric locomotives met head-on while pulling two logging trains on the railroad of The Red River Lumber Company near 'Westwood a pe_ culiar combination of ,circumstances prevented loss of life or injury to the crews.
The Red River railway is equipped with block signals and the train movements are controiled by a train disp-atch_ er at Westwood and an assistant dispatlher at the'West .,1d. In this case signals and orders i"ere .orr.ct and the qlsparcners and trarn crews u,ere ,cleared of blame for the accident. The meeting occurred at sunset and the west P_oYT9,9tsin.er was bll9.a by t!t9 sun which *", ai.."tty ln hls lrne of vision. This caused him to run past the stop board.
The east bound crew was pulling a heavy train of logs. They could see the other train as"it rushei i"i";r;- th;; and had time to bring their train to a full stop ";J j"-; to safety. The east bound locomotive, standing still and backed by the heavy loads of logs, took most of-the shbck and received the more serious damage. The west bound crew, which could not see the danger ahead, were saved by the fact that their locomotive plowed into the east bouni locomotive and was not badly damaged. The fact that the west bouud train was hauling a heavy tank car between the engine and the epptl logging cars saved the engine crew ]t9T !"t-"g smashed by the logging cars whi,ch telescoped behind the tank car. the accident is conlives were lost. The River shops and re-
While the property loss was heavy, sidered a miracle of good luck that no locomotives were rebuilt in the Red turned to service.
The photograph shows how the west bound locomotive receiv-ed no damage to the cab as it ,crushed through the cab of the east bound train and how the tank car acled as a buffer between the engine crew and the wrecked empties.
This Column of *Wants" and 'Do!'t \ilants" is fon
- The Fellow Who Wants to BUY
The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Felloq\Mho Wantq tP Hire
Rcrc; t2.s0 pocofurnn tnch - The FellOW WhO Wantg tO Be HifGd
For Sale
Planing Mill Machinery for t{u. -4ll modctrn, ncm s years igo. Los Anget* Phning Mill-Co., 1800 Indiistrial S-t., Lm. AngJles, Calif. Phone VAndikc 8t160'
Just starting a chain of small lumber -yards. If you are tirea of being:a Poll Parrot and being. jipp.4 out of your bonus and liant to use your own initiative, be your own boss, get on the band wagon All managers must lnvest in theil yard they manage. Your.money secured one hundred pei cent oi the d6llar. All corrispondence st{c-t!y confid^ential. For further information address Box C-351 California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted-Hardwood lumber salesman acquainted with trade in Los Angeles and vicinity. Twohy Lumber Co" srArEMENroFrHERowNSlsHIl,_ffi r-rtBtsfi dI'clRcul.ArloN, AUGUST ?r, I9T2' t""B:T.:i F.: f"offH'* *Lo,," t .od ior -thc -s*rtc rnd coqllt .forc' nial'i!''idiiiy-ri;{;d -t.- E. fuiiti'r.-'bp, !.vl+8 bcca dul! rqorn ;?*,Siii-"*,xiI-*i::r.;1,',t:t;$14r.[iii#fr:*l'i'*H bcgt of hir Lnowlcdgc lnd bclief, truc rtatc-miit ff"-"i"ii-lii -tg;a--'ia-a aaiiv-pi-iJ.'-ttc circutrtioo), etc', od tbc riSq i'Ju,;1'Tti'tr^L:1",',t"":"tbir,'lrirfu$:;H;.fi
729 Petroleum Securities Bldg.
Of The Califomia Lumber Mercbeat, published Semi'monthlv at Loo Angeles, Califomia, for October I' 1930. Ststc of Plli{oraie - l'.

":ut.*fl HJr'i1i.1"3#3"'".0"3'.u'#""."":ffi rddrcrr murt bc rtatrd rad clro, i6Dcqil!9!y thcreundct tnc namcl rnd rltlriiiii of rioctrholderr olnilS or boldin3 oac DC! eclt or Eorc ol totd .mount of ttocl. If lot ottted bt I cofPotrugq tnc.lrtmc3 end rddrcrrcr of thc individud owlerl &uEt Dc FYca' ll oncq.Dt I 6rrn. conoenv. or othcr uDincoqroratcd golccdt' itr a'DC lod loqrerl' ii-iicit- .i t-nb'"t;a;;ab individial mcmber, murt-b-c- sivca') f, C. Dioaac. 318 Ccntral Bldg., Loo AnSllct' Cdif. t. ih.-t'-tti i-ioJJ 6Jaa-boftirr, nori-grld-er, lnd otber -3ccorF holdert owtiac or holdinr I Dcr cclt or trorc ol totrl snourt o! qtnot.
osncr!. rtoctholdcn.-rnd rcsurity boldgrr' Il rqt' cootri! aot 4t thc liri of rtoclboldcrr rad rccurity boldctt !r thct- rPDcrr-.sqql lrc boolr of the conmov but elro, i. c$ca -rlctc thc atoctm|.cr oa iicu;ti- b6ldcr -edpcrir upoo the bookr of t-be- otlDeot u tiltcc or in iov otbcr fducirrv rcletion, thc nr4c of tDG Ftt6 -G GqqP9qr' tion for -rhon rucb truitce il .ctin8' ir 3rt-c!; llto- th.l tm. .15 l'q iii,:Clfi-m6ius:ni:::;*1*kml'il[:,9'l'"FElsEi*i ii'd-'"c-dtiiv -totaiii-rt-6-ao-noi a-ppcrr ugoa th9 bofr of. tbc-coogqgt
.r trortccr: bold rtocl end qccudtiel i! I crPrcitt otbcl tnta tlrt o! r iii'iiia-ii&il-'5il4i, Ji- 6tttir rccsritlcl -thep erco. rtetcd blhln' -
Bitii -e,ii-Jir"Jii rii-ittTili""i itii oorcu-oh to-bclicve tbrt.rqy otbct ocnoo. $rocirtioa. or co?Dorrtion ba! any -isterctt dir'lct ot tooll-lct l!
'*sl-Trri'i-tll-iiclicc nriiittici of ioelci oTcilt tlrqc o! thlq gub{; cetion rold ot dlrtributcd. through thc --rrrilr, ot. othcF i.c' !o D'rp rubrcribcrr during thc rir nonth! Drccedilg thg -grtc lnoea 'oo"cll
Red Danger Flags
Try u Ondc oa 6lF{fZ.5O e-d Fd O-t St dl hb I b*raf.rle OrSr ' sod tbn.L J umr r' D'*D wd
ALBERT B. TUCKER llt I{o. C.drr SLGhdrloIt-f Dqf..ry_
A thoroughly experienced retailer, ag-e 39, vaats porition. Last ihree yeirs employed as yard manager ot -rct$l yard carrying $5O,000 stock. Also interested in wholcsale tonn."iio-tt, frarticularly in selling. Address Box 352, care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced yard manager wants connection es ma[agcr -assistant -"iager<r dollector of country or suburban yard. Has recor-d for creating business end aollecting Lrt"i r,"-."ttt. Ten vears' expe?eace with semc 6rm ead has reouest to returi at aoy'time. Is thirty-six ycen of ase. mirried, speaks Germin fluently, and some NosilF ;i;. Aaat.t"'Box C-353, California-Lumbcr Mereient.
Resoonsible. exDerienced retail lumber sdesman and cstimatorl office or ylrd, desires connection. T[ri[ work two ;;;il cr;C i. qo"ilty. Have man-aged line ral{* -A:l i.iii."8"t. Salary reisonable- AddrEss Box C-3110, Celifornia Lumber Merchant-
Faecol truclc onc and onc'balf tonr, nill rorl' body forirtcen fect bchind cab.
Fageol 6vc and one'hnlf tonr lumbcr rollcr tnrclrir-whed iob.
tN FINE CONDmoN--PBICE-RIG+IT -, - Fon rraurolATE sAtE '
Liquidating burincu-write for li* of nill ead hc' tory cguiPment.'
:: :;. .: -trii i tiib"iiiit6i- ii icft iiii [:tn ^utiltn:i?I;::1ll. "iil* Swora to and subscribcd bcfore me this 30th day-ofSeptemtcr' l9J0' -"--tsE{it ----- FREDA R. PAULSoN. '------ (Mv comrniasion expircs Aug. 18, 1934')
CHICAGO LUMBER COMPATTT 969 69th Avcnue Oalland, C'rEf'