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Ftnr R.,oF'NG
'RAFT'MANSHTP . . . for thfuty yearc
S r*arRE quality and superb doigo . refected in the physical comfort and decorative charm of EL REY Asphalt Roofing provide a LASTING satisfaction that endures throughout the years.
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This pedigreed quality is not the result of chance but rather the direct result of craftsmanship gained through thirty years of pioneer activity.
Authoritative estimates and advice, based upon PROVEN krrowledge and skill . . . to apply to YOUR particular roofing problemare availabll without obligation or charge.
AppnoxrtvranEr,Y 4oo squares of EL REY ASPHALT ROOFING were used on the roof of the MINES FIELD AIRPORT, shown in the illustration.
With their roof apanni.g great diatanceE, squarely open to the most severe punishment of the elementc, Mines Field Airport n'as extremely careful in the selection of their roof.
Their selection of EL REY ASPHALT ROOFING is not only a tribute to El Rey, but a oignificant guide to buyers of roo6ng.